Way back into the woods, behind the village I live in, is the original source of water. I chose today to go check it out because the wind was blowing strong and it was only slightly raining. This meant that I could endure the mosquitoes from hell for an hour or so. The wind would […]
Since it is pouring down rain and colder than a witches (Well you know what?) I am going to write an article and enjoy a cup or two of delicious coffee. Today looks like a rain, but no thunderstorm day and Boza has just eaten four packs of his dog food and is sleeping, actually […]
I woke up and found myself lost and confused. This happens when the weather changes so drastically, I become sick. I never had this issue until I had all the heart attacks and brain tumor, many years ago. After trying to die a bunch of times, I have become very sensitive to weather changes. It […]
Boza and I check on the strawberry fields daily now. In a few days I will be able to start picking strawberries and I will be ahead of the rest of the crowd. People sneak around and try to steal all the berries near this village and they try to sell them. I will eat […]
I thought about going to the Big Village, nope; don’t want to… Thought about how deplorable the U.S. is, nope; just very glad I am not there… Thought about getting water from the well, yup; water is needed for life… Then I thought about writing an article, nope; so this is it… This (above) is […]
A sack of lies to mold the minds of the masses and if it is true, then it is a good thing and not a bad thing. So lets hope that they did crack it and lets hope the world reads what they cracked… * * * * * * * * * * Russian […]
This is George the baby bird or probably now an equivalent to a teenage bird. My they grow fast and George was born this spring and was one of the little guys that swarmed our yard for days. George the Bird Brain is what I call him and he follows Boza and I as far […]
I was by the bell tower taking pictures of the eagles and saw a truck on the main byway, way in the distance. I just snapped a shot of the truck and did not think anymore about it. Then in a few minutes, the same truck appeared on this side of the river. Now that […]
I have Boza well trained to attack if anyone bothers my little garden. He got in trouble one time for running through the garden and from then on, he is a ferocious guardian of our food supply. Onions, beets and carrots; Oh My! We have a bunch of birds who have taken it upon themselves […]
Grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell, I am going to start a series of posts called, “The Russia I Live In!” Got a great shot of a beautiful fat Mallard. He actually seems to be a tame duck gone wild and was kinda holding out his hand for food. I told […]