I have been struggling with having a camera that is easy to carry. Boza and I walk a lot and when something happens that I want to record, I need a smaller camera. Well today I finally got the old Kodak working pretty good and just in time for a huge storm to come around… […]
The Big Village is the same as a county seat town in America. It houses many governmental buildings and departments for the local government. Most of the time, if you need to get business done, Сараях is the place you have to go and get it done. This village has a two big grocery stores […]
At 4 a.m. I got up and Boza stayed in bed even this morning. It was foggy and dreary down in the valley, but on top the hill where we were, it was sunbeams cutting through the fog and the neighbor Nickali had just walked out of his house to greet the day. Then I […]
This is a huge bird, I hope to get a picture one day of a raven flying with the eagle. It is over twice as big as the ravens are and it is fun to watch as the eagles and ravens fly “loop de loop” sometimes. It is what makes life beautiful… I take literally […]
Sometimes when walking around and looking at nature, you come across very interesting things happening. In the case of this video, I have no ability to understand how these birds are able to even function. Animals posses amazing skills in various ways. I many times feel that we humans are lacking in even the most […]
Boza and I took a two hour walk and here is what we discovered on that walk… I found it interesting that the guy at the fish shack was fishing in the pond for his breakfast. This was about 6 a.m and he is the worker that stays 24 hours a day, 7 days a […]
The big lake at the Fish Village has revamped the beach area. They are and have gone fancy. It is a busy beach, when it gets hot, but as you see right now it is empty. That is because it is 15 degrees Celsius right now and that is just too cold for most people. […]
Last night I was blessed to find two images on the inside wall of a village home owned by my village buddy, Vova… Here they are, I took a quick shot with my camera and am going to ask if I can take them down from the wall, to get a better shot of them. […]
Well Mother Nature tested my roof I repaired yesterday and last night. It stormed to beat the band and if it survived what we had last night it will survive most anything that we have for weather around here. Boza and I even went out in the middle of the storm and got into the […]
No options, for it might as well not have a roof at this point. Tar paper just does not last, yet we try to apply it and hope 10 years later it still holds. Just will not happen, so a cup of coffee, short post and off to work. This is the first of two […]