At 2:56 a.m. I sat up in bed. It was light out and Mr. Nightingale was singing for all he is worth. Then Song Thrush was at the front gate and she was singing to her babies all over the yard and I decided that nature said it was time to get up. So Boza […]
I have never seen a hummingbird moth in the village, until a few weeks ago. I was able to grab a picture of it and have not seen another one since then. It stayed only a few seconds and then, I guess it went back to Europe! For it sure does not look much like […]
It is cold, wet and very windy! The power was out for about twelve hours and I ended up having to cook several packages of meat that I would have cooked over three days, all at one time. The freezer items stayed frozen, but the refrigerated part got too warm. It did defrost the freezer […]
Family suffered from the punishers shelling. Gorlovka. DNR. Episode 475 from ECC TV on Vimeo. I am going to keep writing about how terrible we treat the world and how bad we are for killing innocent people all over the world. I agree with this man and when you live in the rest of the […]
Sunday is market day and today I got to the market as it opened and there was a quarter of the people there, but growing fast. I took a few pictures and then went shopping. Found nothing that I needed, or that I could not find just as cheap up town. But the market is […]
Ex-Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, on the most wanted list by his own ex-country for embezzlement, abuse of power and politically motivated attacks, has been appointed governor with no vote of Ukraine’s Odessa region. Mikhail Saakashvili has hidden in the U.S. for sometime now and a month ago I talked about how he is being worked […]
Yesterday was another, chasing the duck and deer day. Except this time it involved a small bird and her babies. I laughed so hard, that I still have sore ribs this morning and Boza, bless his heart, was back outside looking for his new friend this morning… Then we decided to leave the little family […]
The image above is what has been discovered on the monastery property. One of the main tunnels under the church. This tunnel interconnects with three other tunnels visible as you look over what they are digging up. Some small tunnels and some big. The main chamber is still undiscovered by the church, but I can […]
This is what Boza and I look at while we walk around and crawl around under buildings… Shhhhh…. Don’t tell anyone that we sneak around and look at things we should not… Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…
So Russians are aggressive and now China is aggressive! They both have world control issue and the “White Knight,” the USA needs to ride in and save the day… (~Sarc~) I have to say us Americans are a ignorant lot of people and we need to stop our country /government from trying to declare war […]