Last night I had about three or four Nightingales singing me a lullaby and they decided to sing all night and are still singing early this morning. It is beautiful and I tried to record their music, but only one cooperated, for I know they could see me and I could not see them. They […]
Not long ago; Saakashvili was sent to Ukraine to help the poor people to recover from Russian invasions, yes many many many Russian invasions and those invasions just never stop… (~Sarc~) Russia just keeps sending an armada across the border and poor little Ukraine is barely able to stop the beast of a bear. Why […]
I was surprised this year that the fish village workers all have uniforms. They have never been made to wear them as long as I have been watching and that has been 8 years now. This year though, they are wearing a common uniform for manual labor workers in Russia. Same thing worn as by […]
John Kerry in a whirlwind of activity, ascended upon Sochi, Russia out of the blue. The saving of U.S. international face and deeper internal depression financially has come home to roost. It squatted as a 600 pound chicken, right on top of Obama’s head and has stayed there. As all the U.S. administration’s dirty laundry is […]
Last year we bought a small simple washing machine. I put it to use today and cleaned all my nasty dirty clothes, then after I was done and happy with the results and half the clothes almost dry…. Mother Nature decided a flash thunderstorm is in order and flooded the place… I guess that is […]
6:15 a.m. we came home to eat and drink; Boza had three packs of his favorite dog food and I am starting my first cup of coffee. It takes a few days but we will settle into our groove and get a pattern going. Therefore with coffee comes writing and that is part of that […]
The EU has made it clear that Ukraine future with them is a long ways off in the future, the Visa free issue for Ukraine is never going to happen and the only source of selling Ukraine products have been “bridges burned” to the ground (Russia,) for the EU does not want anything Ukraine has […]
Sunday night and Boza and I drop Sveta off at the train station; Boza takes it real hard for a few days and does not eat properly and or mopes around like a lost puppy. This is the way it is when Boza and I become bachelors and this time it might be for about […]
By John Stanton “It is wrong to believe that postwar American suburbanization prevailed because the public chose it…Suburbanization prevailed because of the decisions of large operators and powerful economic institutions supported by federal government programmes…ordinary consumers had little real choice in the basic pattern that resulted…Essentially city planners saw the atomic threat as a means […]
Big holiday in Russia and with the west playing games, simply put; because they are asses, Russia had the rest of the known world show up and presented the biggest Victory day parade ever in history. It was impressive to see India and her military and Chinese with theirs. The wind is blowing a different […]