Sveta and I love Bumble Bees and at this time of the year, Bumble Bees are everywhere. They are the early birds of the insects and bees. This morning there was literally thousands of them swarming all the new cherry and plum blossoms and that was just in the few homes near to us. Our […]
Sveta loves chicken hearts and livers. I love them more and will toss gizzards on top of them all as even better. They are good for you and chicken livers are a great source of iron and Sveta is having to intake increase in iron now per doctors orders. Well this image is what we […]
I have talked extensively about the buildup to war. The west driven by the U.S. is pushing Russia and China to make the first move in World War Three. It is a fact and the second that Russia or China does anything real, not contrived for propaganda purposes by the west. The war is on. […]
Boza found it, Sveta found it and I said, “That is a beautiful lizard!” Even though he was hard to find, Boza made sure to corral him out of the yard. For Boza is the guard dog of his village home, you know! Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…
Just some pictures of what we are looking at in the village. Sveta likes to take pictures of everything in sight. She has a good eye for what to photo. I will be posting lots of images of the work being done on the monastery this summer. It looks like they are going to do […]
I realize this morning while sipping piping hot cup of coffee, that we have forsaken our roots for material items and instant comforts. That is not to say that we should not live comfortable, but maybe we are living way too comfortable and need to get back to reality, plus our roots… To be truthful, […]
Memories, nature, humans, karma and all existence are like the bridge and so is everyday life. Things get washed away but with a little patience, effort, and pure luck they can be rebuilt and or mended. Our bridges on the river at the village, are all like life at its best and this morning that […]
Life in the village is simple and good. Water is gathered from what Russians call wells, but I call it a cistern. A well is always with water naturally and a cistern has to be kept full of water by an outside source, such as a well. A cistern is what we have and on […]
Up at 6 AM and out walking the village this morning with Boza. Sveta always sleeps in until noon when we come to the village and in fact that brings up a conversation that I had last summer with the men living in the village; their wives always sleep late and the men get up […]
Within the next two days, we are going to the village. It is May Holidays in Russia, so Sveta has a week off and she will spend that time in the Russian Village (with Boza and I,) that beautiful Russian village! Then I will stay the summer in the village and work on the garden, […]