10 skydivers to jump out of the plane. Daniel Pharr, a man diving with and being trained by Steele, enjoyed a minute of free fall as the cold air rushed by… “He (Steele) pulled the chute,” Pharr said. “It got super quiet. It’s eerily quiet up there… I made the comment to him: “It’s surprising […]
And it all started with Windows to Russia several years ago. The links below are from the past and Windows to Russia has suffered from being blocked by Ukraine several times. If I wrote something that was just too much truth about Ukraine, they blocked the site… http://windowstorussia.com/ukraine-is-blocking-windows-to-russia-on-a-permanent-basis-tuesday-august-16-2011.html http://windowstorussia.com/interesting-happenings-in-kiev-ukraine.html http://windowstorussia.com/windows-to-russia-is-back-online-in-ukraine.html http://windowstorussia.com/gosh-darn-blocked-then-golly-gee-willikers-unblocked.html http://windowstorussia.com/answering-e-mails-on-site-blocked-and-a-cup-of-coffee.html http://windowstorussia.com/coffee-and-blocked.html This is […]
Hello, Today we continue to read stories for kids what were written by Nikolay Nosov. These stories were published first in the magazine for children “Murzilka”. Then many of them make up the foundation of the Nosov’s first collection Rat-tat-tat (Тук-тук-тук), 1945. CUCUMBERS comments always welcome
Mead? Not sure, some say it is and some say it is not! Cheap? Yes and it can be quick and dirty, or slow and pure! Made at home? Why yes it is and can be, though it can be bought off the shelf in the store and less hassle, but not as satisfying… I […]
Just some images for you to see from my trip. One thing I found new for me was the tombstones, just read the image with the print and it will tell you what it is about. I went inside and looked over the history on display. It was interesting to me… That is the train […]
Posting from a park bench with free city WiFi… Now that is cool and great… Not hard to make me happy… Kyle
Breakfast was very good. There was plenty of food and even with a full hotel, they never let anything run out. It is a shame that this is the only meal that the hotel cafe serves, food was good… I have watched a little bit of TV and I have to say that the Estonians […]
Posting from a small tablet is not easy and therefore I will make it short… Images above are out my window of the hotel and inside the room… If you can’t guess, I am in Tallinn, Estonia… It is beautiful here as always and Tallinn is now where I go instead of Kiev, Ukraine… Tomorrow […]
Just about everyday, I see somewhere in the press that Russia is helping another country or making a deal that helps another country. This is the normal that I have become to see and I remember a country from my past that did just the same thing, helped the world to advance forward not backwards… […]
Media Trolls,Technology Shamans and Diabolical Political, Economic and Military Demons: Over the years I have been proud to post articles by John Stanton, his articles have a truth that is not found in many places anymore and his background is exceptional on national security and political matters. He taught a course on national security for […]