Two more murders of prominent Ukrainian opposition figures just in the last few days, this is at least twelve dead by assassination, if not more, according to my count. But who can count when they are dying as fast as they voice an opinion against Ukraine’s new government? The main issue is that the West/U.S, […]
by John Stanton “I should tell you that homosexuality in our country has been overcome once and for all but not entirely. Or entirely but not completely. Or else entirely and completely but not once and for all. What do people think about now? Nothing but homosexuality. That and the Middle East, Israel, the Golan […]
Normally in the afternoon I do not have a cup of coffee, but today, coffee is just too tempting. So since I am sipping that great cup of Russian coffee now, I decided to write a post. I feel that I have neglected Windows to Russia somewhat and will post these thoughts on a snowy […]
My coffee thought this morning is very simple and very basic… I am against changing of any borders, but that said, I am against regime changes even more. I opposed the recognition by the west of Kosovo. Thus, since it (Kosovo) was done at gun point and total western backing, I have no reason to […]
No longer a beacon of freedom and democracy, the United States has fallen from its pedestal. As America has devolved into a violent and oppressive police state, new powers are rising to challenge this toxic world order: Iran and Russia. In 2001, as the United States woke up to the reality of Islamic radicalism, then-President […]
The only interference in Ukraine that the Russian government does is to send food to East Ukraine. This is in all the while that the West sends military hardware and boots on the ground. Yet we insist on pointing fingers at Russia and calling her evil, as we (U.S.) ourselves stoke the flames of hell […]
Trying imagining the president of your country doing a four plus hours of question and answers… You can not imagine it and they could not either… Have a nice day and you really should watch this video and sip a cup of coffee and pop some popcorn… Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…
France was paid up front for the two Mistrals and they failed to deliver on time or at all. They failed and everyone watched them steal Russian money and act like it was okay… India, having watched such French financial theft tactics of failure, have dumped a huge order of French fighter jets. India has […]
I watch the world and the going-on right now and we seem to be in a moral tug of war all over the planet. Either you are a offensive country, like The U.S. or a defensive country, like Russia. This seems to be the norm now and it equates into a western world against the […]
By Nadir Mir A new war is brewing in the Middle East. Some analysts have compared it to 1914 commencing into the Great War. This Great War of the Middle East may engulf adjoining regions and will certainly influence most of the world. Pakistan of course would be affected in multiple ways and simply cannot […]