Washed away but never gone…


Coffee-iconMemories, nature, humans, karma and all existence are like the bridge and so is everyday life. Things get washed away but with a little patience, effort, and pure luck they can be rebuilt and or mended. Our bridges on the river at the village, are all like life at its best and this morning that cup of coffee is really good and perfect…

Every year the walk bridges get washed away by the spring rains. They resort to building simple wood bridges now, for in the past after trying concrete supported bridges and various cable supported bridges; they all wash away and are a huge waste of money. So now a simple walk bridge is built every year and it seems to be the best compromise with the flow of life around these here parts. It just makes it hard to get to the stores and that is part of life…


The most important things are very simple in life. The bridge is not exceptional and is not strong, but it is essential for life to progress. That is why at first I kept wondering why they would not build a super strong bridge to withstand the ravages of time?

They did build these bridges, but all that remains of such bridges is memories and a few concrete supports. That pretty well sums up life in a nutshell and to keep the flow going, sometimes simpler and temporary is the best. For when the village does not need the bridges to be functional, Mother Nature washes them away and she will do that whether they are super bridges or not. For this is an untamed river and nothing is sacred to this river as she roars in spring…

That makes me think about life and how it is and how it should be. We sometimes pressure life to much and all the while doing it, we should be embracing said life and mending, molding and sharpening such life. Life is precious and we should treat it as such. That seems to make sense to me, but we seem to have forgotten about such simple thoughts…

So as Sveta took the picture of the washed away bridge, I look at it and realize that it just looks correct for the moment we are here in the village. For within a few weeks, the local government will rebuild the bridge to the markets and once again we can walk and ride bikes to get necessitates of life. Then the many summer villagers will start flocking to stay in the little village called Sunrise to Freedom…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…