Putin Quote and some coffee…

“As for those who deceive or try to deceive, I think that everyone sitting here, everyone has experienced attempts of being cheated. It happens that way, sometimes. (There are those who’ve) tried to deceive me as well, from time to time,” he said. “But even if I see it, I try not to make a

America the Sanction Empire – Iran + Russia: Again and again and again…

[contentcards url=”http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/337806-russia-sanctions-deal-clears-key-senate-hurdle”] It is official; America has become that weird person/family who lives in your neighborhood/world and they put pink flamingos in their yard, have a nigger baby in the garden, a Gnome enjoying life and paint their house bright lime green…. all the while sucking down wine coolers as they talk about, point their

It is Official: North Korea is the new scariest Cyber Kings… (Hidden Cobra)

[contentcards url=”https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA17-164A”] I have to admit. North Korea (NK) is amazing. We are bombarded daily with how backwards, decrepit and pathetic the baby eating NK are, but we also are suppose to believe that a country with one light bulb per 100,000 persons and one computer system per 1,000,000 people is the hacking threat to