Just walking along! Singing a song! Just you and me, as happy as can be…
You can’t help but walk a lot in the Tiny Russian Village and something else just can not be helped. Singing a song I call, “The Boza Song!”
Svetochka uses a little bell attached to her to let Boza know where she is, but since I do not want a Cow Bell attached to me! Moooooo 😉 I sing to Boza…
It is easy to sing, the Tiny Russian Village is so beautiful and perfect…
Tra La La…
* * * * *
- Left eye of Boza…
- Right eye of Boza…
- Evil eye of the road…
- Go away…
- Hunting time…
- Dragging our roads…
Boza’s left eye is pretty well history, but his right eye is being salvaged. Though he is basically blind in that eye also. Obvious that he is totally blind in the left, but the right is healthy, with the exception of hereditary retina destruction. The left will be operated on soon, the right will be, hopefully, cared for by drops of medicine to keep glaucoma at bay as long as possible…
Svetochka was walking yesterday and her and Boza found a critter to take pictures of. I had just warned her to watch out for snakes. I chased one out of the tall grass in our yard, as I mowed. My two partners in crime found this one as they walked the village roads. Snakes are probably the only thing I have found that scares a Russian. People almost panic all over when they see, find and or hear about a snake. You could put a gun against their head and they would just stare at you, but hold up a snake and they will run to beat the band…
I have said before, I am the snake grabber in the village…