But hey! At -52 they get to stay home…

[contentcards url=”https://themoscowtimes.com/news/in-russia-you-freeze-on-your-way-to-school-59675″] Beats any, “I walked through 10 feet of snow and fought off a wolf going to school when I was little!” Right grandpa? “It was minus 50 this morning, all children are studying,” the Oymyakon administration told the news site. Get up, go to school kids, it could be worse… I thought -35

Ryan Bundy’s Brilliant Opening Statement & Time Inc. sells to Meredith…

America the land of the non-free… [contentcards url=”http://canadafreepress.com/article/ryan-bundys-brilliant-opening-statement”] And this article below shows the state of Western Media and reminds me of incest in a family… [contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/26/business/dealbook/time-inc-meredith-corporation-koch-brothers.html”] WtR

Life is lies and truths & love and death: Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets…

[contentcards url=”https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/love-and-death-in-revolution-square”] The plight of the once proud elite, forced to pawn its libraries and turn to cleaning offices and collecting and selling jars of cigarette butts, is a tale of monumental betrayal and humiliation. “Russian novels don’t teach you how to become successful, how to get rich,” Alexievich is told. An entire generation suddenly

Oh Yes! Coffee…

[contentcards url=”http://www.bmj.com/content/359/bmj.j5024″] PDF File: bmj.j5024.full “Coffee consumption seems generally safe within usual levels of intake, with summary estimates indicating largest risk reduction for various health outcomes at three to four cups a day, and more likely to benefit health than harm.” – Oh really? Three or four cups a day? Oh really? I knew there