Coffee Time: Update Boza, white lilacs and good coffee… Boza went to a very good doctor. He is a believer in keeping the eyes as long as possible, literally opposite of the last doctor. As in everything in life, you have to do what you do to make life work… We found the clinic out […]
Boza struggling… Tomorrow we see a very very specialist for doggy eyes. We are trying to save his eyes and not have to have fake (implants) eyes put in. This is important to us (and him, he has some sight at times) and worth the issues involved… You realize how much family a doggy is […]
I say very little about what John Stanton writes. There is a reason, for even if I disagree and even if I like what he says, “It is not my opinion that matters.” I expect you to read it and gather what you desire from what John wrote. This time however; I changed the main […]
[contentcards url=””] Also interesting… * * * * * Russia has offered to release a full transcript of the meeting that Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak had with Donald Trump. The United States has refused the offer… [contentcards url=””] Why not get a copy? It is the truth and nothing but the truth! Are […]
Some people can take pictures and some like me just attempt to take pictures… Svetochka is one of those people who likes to take pictures and is able to take pictures. She is loved by creatures in nature and they like to pose for her… Me? They run from me. I guess a growling bear […]
You should read this: (Snopes) Presidential Executive Order with the stated purpose to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the executive branch by directing the OMB to propose a plan to reorganize governmental functions and eliminate unnecessary agencies, components of agencies, and agency programs. (82 FR 13959, 3/16/17) Executive Order 13781 of March 13, […]
“New Yorker” magazine said, “We asked you a favor, and you said no. We know that you prize this champion horse and want to breed it. You dream of the colts it might produce, making you millions. You dream you are safe in your big mansion. You dream. All your dreams are dependent upon us. […]
Hmm! Don’t think so… Posted for the YouTube only believe if it is there crowd… WtR
It is interesting when the Washington DC attacks me and they use anything that has no logic…. Seems like logic has flown the coop lately in DC… I am now being attacked for not enough about Russia posts. Hmm, Seriously? The news is full of “Russia Did It!” Then they attack me for associating the […]
[contentcards url=””] Pass that damn popcorn Mable! “We are seeing in the US a developing political schizophrenia,” Putin said… “There is no other way I can explain the accusations against the acting US president that he gave away some secrets to Lavrov.” Those who “are destabilizing the internal US political situation using anti-Russian slogans either […]