It is interesting when the Washington DC attacks me and they use anything that has no logic…. Seems like logic has flown the coop lately in DC…
I am now being attacked for not enough about Russia posts. Hmm, Seriously? The news is full of “Russia Did It!” Then they attack me for associating the connection of all the crap going on, on a website based in Russia. I actually live in Russia and see what is happening, first hand…
The Russians are getting tired of the games and I as an American, am very tired of the games being played. We (America) are pushing financially, politically, propaganda wise and morally against a very powerful country. Russia is a very moral, stable and happy country and we should leave that as it may be…. Called stability for the world…
It seems to me that if it is about America lately, it is about Russia! Everything I have been posting has something to do about Russia, maybe it is this…. “The connection being told by me is a threat to the DC livelihood.” I do not know, but when literally everything in the MSM is Russia did this Russia did that, Trump is a Russian spy, Russia wants to destroy America, Russia is stealing this, Russia is hacking this and literally Russia is under your bed and will eat your babies at night, as you sleep…
It seems to me that everyday, I have to go to alternate news sources to even find out what is really happening. Who is doing what and why are they doing it…. for truth is almost totally absent in the MSM…
I just tell what is happening and tell it like it is…
“All Things Russian and a Little Bit of American Idiosyncrasies” – This is the byline (Meta Description) of WtR…
Russia Did It:
- Russia did it
- Russia did it
- Russia did it
- Russia is right
- Russia did it
Thus when news consists of Russia did it and I look at American local news, state news, federal news and news from all over; Russia did it, then it becomes North Korea’s fault and then China is tossed in for an occasional issue…
So tell me what Russia did not do? The most powerful country in the world is constantly crying about how Russia did it! We parade around with our # 1 foam fingers and act like children, then we act like children when things do not go our way…
That is what I thought! By the way, the Russian people see America as a whiny bunch of idiots and I have worse things to say about how many in America act. If you and I are smart, we would change somethings and get on the bandwagon as the world keeps turning and turning…
Russia Did It! ~Sarc~