Amazing… co2 power

BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese researchers have developed a new method to turn carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, into clean liquid fuel such as methanol. The breakthrough might help mitigate the greenhouse effect caused by carbon emissions, and promote the development of new clean energies. A research team led by Professor Zeng Jie,

The effects of the China–Russia gas deal on energy consumption, carbon emission, and particulate matter pollution in China | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

After more than two decades of negotiation, the China–Russia gas deal represents a new era of energy cooperation between China and Russia. In total, this is a win–win deal for both sides. For China, the deal will decrease energy consumption and carbon emission but will not significantly influence air quality; for Russia, it will provide

EU is the USA target with all these sanctions and tax reforms…

Die Bundesregierung ist wegen der Steuerreform von Donald Trump alarmiert. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen erwartet das Finanzministerium, dass deutsche Firmen mit US-Ablegern ihre Geschäfte bald verstärkt in das Land verlagern. Source: Finanzministerium: Trumps Steuerreform trifft fast 5000 deutsche Firmen – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Wirtschaft I woke this morning and thought about my own line of thinking on