I had to hand out little blankets to all the baby birds and give little coats to the mosquitoes and horseflies. Plus I had to fire up the heat for a bit… Heck the sunflowers are all in a tissy this morning….yelling about, “Where is the sun?” Two days ago it was 30+ C and […]
I am enjoying learning about sunflowers… We will have to wait to see if I can grow them or not. I am planning the way to support them against the high winds we have here and I know that the birds will be very happy if I am successful… Life should be about learning and […]
When I get up bright and early my sunflowers are all facing east and when I go to bed late, they are all facing west… According to researchers only young sunflowers will follow the Sun. These flowers are following a natural circadian rhythm to receive the most light for photosynthesis. However when they mature the […]
Installed twelve new bricks, three heavy steel braces, four corner flat steel pieces to hold the thing together and mixed so far about 25 kilos of clay fireplace mix, good for 1600 degrees temp… I also installed an old car one leaf spring to help support the main body of the upper bricks. I seriously […]
I took a long walk yesterday and went to what is called bald mountain. It is not bald, but I am to easily believe that many many years ago it was a huge sand dune and very bald. So, I believe that is where it gets its name? It is the highest […]
So many people like to believe what “their” media tells them regardless of it being true or not… Just look at the mess things are right now and look at where the brunt of the information comes from that is causing the mess. Then look at who is benefiting from this information and who and […]
This morning at the break of daylight, I started and finished the long project that I started a few weeks ago. Finally finished painting moms, Russian village home. This is the second time I painted her home since I came to Russia. The first time, I did not do a good job, too sick still […]
Hopefully we will get Sammy the Volga back today? New wiring harness and a new but used dashboard. Sammy the Volga has probably 250,000 kilometers on her and has been over some very rough roads. Not always at slow speeds, I mind you. So now, Sammy gets a interior uplift with a newer year, but […]
Many years ago, I met online a gentleman who has become a friend. Never met, yet we still have stayed communicative off and on, all these years. It seems like it has been about 13 to 14 years now since he first commented on Windows to Russia….very few people I meet online are sincere and […]
Guard cat sits at the front gate many times and thus, I call him Guard Cat. He likes to look out over the lake and see the eagles and hawks flying. Fat Cat, lays around in the back yard and sleeps all day. Then he wanders at night looking for tidbits to eat. He looks […]