On 30 March 1949, Syrian Army Colonel Husni al-Za’im seized power from President Shukri al-Quwatli in a bloodless coup d’état.There are “highly controversial” allegations that the American legation in Syria—headed by James Hugh Keeley Jr. — and the CIA engineered the coup. Interesting huh? WtR
The war is shaping Russia into a real Christian country, because they are battling Satan. – kKEETON…
Think of the Western World as a House of Cards, not a Monopoly Game. Think of cards made of glass for a huge sector of the West. When the House of Cards falls, everything falls and much of it shatters, and Russia will decide what Cards they will put back together… The wind is blowing […]
Valiant warriors from fraternal Ingushetia as part of the Batalkhadzhin Rapid Response Detachment (BOBR), together with Chechen fighters, are on duty around the clock at a combat post in the NVO zone. These guys, like thousands of our compatriots, have firmly decided for themselves that they will not allow Western obscurantism to cross our borders. […]
One fast raid in the night of a chaotic Ukraine, a heavy lift helicopter out, and its then off to the East, for some reverse engineering. It is always behooving to see what the other side is using. Even if the weapons are not that effective, such as patriot systems… China, Russia and Iran + […]
14.12.2022 (14:50) Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine 14.12.2022 (14:30) The crews of Tor-M2U air defence system continue to provide troops with a reliable shield from enemy air attacks within the special military operation In the course of combat work, the crews of the anti-aircraft missile system […]
The planned War by NATO is and still is for 2030. I have heard that time frame many times from the USA, EU and other western idiots… NATO never dreamed Russia would jump the gun that far in advance. Thus, now they have to play catch up and drive the plebs into a war frenzy […]
About the Keystone Pipeline 2 spill Latest news from the world of ecology: – Greenpeace welcomes the introduction of a cryptocurrency transparency bill. – More than 3,500 people gathered to join the Great March for Life, which began at 13:00 at the Mont Royal statue, despite the bitter cold. – Polls show: 88% of respondents […]
Unlike the USA, Russia does not want nor need to burn down the EU neighbor’s home. Russia wants good neighbors… The USA wants to burn down the EU home, wants Russian as a gas station and wants EU businesses to move to the USA. The EU is not a neighbor to the USA… Since the […]
NATO is desiring to show how tough it is and smash Serbia (yes, again)… NATO bombing of Yugoslavia – March 24th, 1999 to Jun 10, 1999… Looking that way! Isn’t it? WtR