Firstly, a blessed 2023 to you all…

I woke up early this morning at 6 a.m.

This fist day of a new year. I Went outside into the dark, and just stood there listening, thinking, contemplating this New Year of 2023…

We live in a world of immoral scammers, spammers and trolls. A world that has become driven by desires instead of truth and needs…

There are not many ‘real leaders’ left in the world and I realized that Putin is a rare bird in the world political arena and his helpers are right there with him…

Video above is Putin’s New Year speech for 2023… (Maybe I can find it translated?)

To the people of Russia, including my little Sweetpea, I personally wish you all a prosperous and bright future in the coming years and my condolences to those who have lost loved ones. In body and spirit, my support is with you. May you triumph over the external evil that threatens you and your land…

Now to say something to those Russians who are hating on Putin now. Those paid rejects. The liberal trash that has been bought by thee West. They will marvel at his foresight a decade hence. With the SMO the Russian govt made many significant milestones…

1. The beginning of the end of globalism and ushering for the beginning of multipolar world order…

2. Being able to asses the military and economic preparedness of Russia and make necessary changes…

3. Removing the masks of many friendly European nations like Germany, Italy, France, thereby reducing the risk of frail economic cooperation, moving alliances away from Europe to hard weather allies (China, Iran, India, South Africa, Algeria, Arab world etc). This ensures there is more clarity of directing their foreign policy and energies…

4. Making complete the national aspiration of Russian society after 3 decades of the fall of USSR. Russia also banned cultural warfare of degeneracy of the west and in the face of Anglo ‘universal’ ideals imposition, made them non universal, thus Russia saved the whole world from this cultural warfare…

5. Russia also now has the daunting task of securing its information and digital cultural sphere of influence and also exporting them to like minded countries…

May God bless Russia and her Allies…

Lastly a a blessed 2023 to you all. (And may you wake up in the West before it is too late?)


Update: English translated video of the above by RT…

MoD of Russia Reports for January 1st and 2nd of 2023…

02.01.2023 (11:45) WMD engineering troops continue demining liberated settlements from unexploded remnants left by AFU Sapper units are the first who pass through minefields and artificial obstacles, make paths for vehicles and units, providing the offensive of Russian forces.
02.01.2023 (05:30) Msta-S self-propelled howitzer crews in combat action The crews neutralise the personnel, strongpoints, vehicles, and hardware of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
02.01.2023 (05:00) SMD Giatsint-B artillery crews destroy AFU facilities and positions within special military operation Supporting the mechanised infantry units of the Russian Armed Forces, the artillery operators from the Southern Military District continue launching attacks at enemy strongpoints and manpower, as well as convoys that deliver reserve forces.

And 31st…

31.12.2022 (12:00) Russian Defence Minister congratulates personnel on upcoming New Year The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu congratulated personnel on the upcoming New Year, and thanked them for their courage and heroism shown in the line of their duty.