Russia on 9th package of EU Sanctions…

⚡️ Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry on response to the ninth “package” of EU sanctions against Russia

The European Union continues to try to put pressure on Russia through unilateral restrictive measures. On December 16, 2022, the EU countries adopted the ninth sanctions “package”. We consider such actions of the EU illegitimate, undermining the international legal prerogatives of the UN Security Council.

The European Parliament is also pursuing an aggressive anti-Russian line, having approved at its meeting on November 23, 2022 the resolution “On the recognition of the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism”. Once again, the double standards of the Western political community have been demonstrated, which since 2014 turned a blind eye to the killings of residents of Donbass by the Kyiv security forces.

👉 In response to unfriendly actions by the Russian side, the list of representatives of European institutions and EU member states has been expanded, which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ, is prohibited from entering the territory of our state.

This is about:

• the leadership of the law enforcement agencies of the EU countries involved in the preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of the EU mission to provide military assistance to Ukraine,
• leadership of European state and commercial structures that produce and supply weapons and military equipment to the Kyiv regime
• Citizens of EU states who have been seen in systematic public anti-Russian rhetoric.

Restrictions apply to individual members of the European Parliament.

❗️ We confirm that any unfriendly actions by Western countries will continue to receive a timely and adequate response.


Kadyrov on capturing of Maryinsky, Ukraine…

There is great news from the NWO zone, namely, from the Maryinsky direction! Soldiers of the Sever-Akhmat Special Forces Regiment named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov of the Russian Defense Ministry stormed the stronghold, including fortified positions. Most of the enemy manpower was destroyed, an impressive number of AFU soldiers were taken prisoner.

This node of resistance was equipped and consisted entirely of a line of trenches, camouflaged dugouts, rifle defensive structures and was located in an area advantageous to the enemy. The capture of the fortified area is a brilliant result of our soldiers. This line of defense was strategically important and its capture is a significant success on the Maryinsky Front.

Please note that under enemy shelling, Chechens provide first aid to prisoners. Literally a few minutes earlier, these persons, counting on the mercy of the victors, fired at our soldiers, and after the battle they save their lives. An indicative picture, clearly illustrating the sides of evil and good.

I am grateful to the soldiers of the Sever-Akhmat special forces regiment and its commander, Zaindi Zingiev, for the brilliant, tactically planned and executed operation! Victory will be ours, otherwise nothing! And may Allah bless you, BROTHERS!
