Complete MoD of Russia Reports for January 23rd, 2023…

23.01.2023 (17:30) Baltic Fleet’s helicopter crews conduct scheduled training flights in Kaliningrad region Main emphasis was placed on nighttime flights.
23.01.2023 (11:00) Krasnopol guided projectiles actively employed by Pacific Fleet’s towed howitzers within special military operation These projectiles capture targets illuminated by a laser beam and go into guided mode accomplished by means of aerodynamic control surfaces.
23.01.2023 (06:30) 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery units from Southern MD engage AFU military facilities and hardware within the special military operation The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue an offensive during the special military operation.
23.01.2023 (06:15) CMD mortar crews continue their preparatory course in rear areas of special military operation Mortar operators practise deploying the guns, orienteering, aiming, and firing from sheltered positions.
23.01.2023 (05:45) SMD T-90M Proryv tank crews hammer AFU positions in one of tactical directions Observation posts, ordnance depots, and foreign military hardware, deployed on the right bank of Dnepr, are destroyed according to the coordinates transmitted by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
23.01.2023 (05:30) Su-25 crews launch strikes at AFU military facilities and hardware The action of airpower has resulted in the elimination of hostile camouflaged fortified field positions and armoured vehicles.
23.01.2023 (05:15) SMD Tornado-G MLRS crews continue their combat action within special military operation Rocket artillery neutralises hostile batteries, destroys command posts, as well as armament, ordnance, and fuel depots.


Fedora “Silverblue” and I have found my Linux!

We are proud to announce the release of Fedora Silverblue 37. Please try it and tell us what you think!


Yes, and I have been busy…

And, I will be writing about this phenomenal OS in the next few days…

I was testing the last release of Fedora Workstation 37 and fell in love with it. Literally fell in love with it. Yet, I was enticed to look at Fedora Silverblue, info at the halfway point of the main page. I installed it first within Gnome Boxes and while I loved the base Workstation Fedora 37. I jumped ship (sorta) and embraced Silverblue Fedora…

Note: Unless you are at least intermediate level in Linux do not try to play with Silverblue. It is in testing stages. You will have lots to do to make it stable right now. Workstation 37 stable is perfect for beginners and up, so stay with it. But, if you like to “hands on” your systems, Silverblue will do you proud…

Linux Distros: I have tried them all and I mean I have tried them all and did I say I have tried them all?

Silverblue? God has finally allowed me to find a Linux that I will run with until Fedora either changes path and or I become more proficient at coding than Fedora and the latter just will not happen…

If Silverblue is Fedora future? (I am onboard…)

Continued soon… (Below)

Fedora Silverblue, at least it is my future…


MoD of Russia Reports for the last few days…

23.01.2023 (06:15) CMD mortar crews continue their preparatory course in rear areas of special military operation Mortar operators practise deploying the guns, orienteering, aiming, and firing from sheltered positions.
23.01.2023 (05:45) SMD T-90M Proryv tank crews hammer AFU positions in one of tactical directions Observation posts, ordnance depots, and foreign military hardware, deployed on the right bank of Dnepr, are destroyed according to the coordinates transmitted by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
23.01.2023 (05:30) Su-25 crews launch strikes at AFU military facilities and hardware The action of airpower has resulted in the elimination of hostile camouflaged fortified field positions and armoured vehicles.
23.01.2023 (05:15) SMD Tornado-G MLRS crews continue their combat action within special military operation Rocket artillery neutralises hostile batteries, destroys command posts, as well as armament, ordnance, and fuel depots.
22.01.2023 (12:00) SMD unmanned aircraft operators support Russian Armed Forces’ offensive UAV crews uninterruptedly reconnoiter airspace, search for Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and adjust fire of Russian artillery and tanks.
21.01.2023 (06:30) Engineering units of SMD perform daily combat tasks to clear unexploded ordnance on territories liberated in the course of special military operation Since the beginning of the special military operation, military engineers have cleared more than 32 thousand hectares of liberated territories, checked more than 2.8 thousand buildings and 280 km of roads, found and neutralised more than 975 thousand explosive objects.
21.01.2023 (06:00) Engineering units of Airborne Troops continue to clear liberated territories within special military operation Particular attention is paid to roads, life support facilities, buildings and structures, residential neighborhoods and industrial areas, as well as agricultural land.
21.01.2023 (05:30) Engineering units of CMD on their professional holiday carry out demining of routes of military equipment within special military operation The engineers also perform tasks of clearing terrain and civilian infrastructure from explosive ordnance, the basis of which are antipersonnel mines PFM-1.
21.01.2023 (05:00) Crews of Ka-52 and Mi-28 attack helicopters of Russian Aerospace Forces destroy AFU tank and lightly armoured vehicles The army aviation is responsible for escorting convoys, destroying armoured vehicles, landing operations, delivering military cargo and air support to the units involved in the special military operation.
21.01.2023 (00:45) Cavalier of Order of Courage Captain Ilya Kapitonov led his unit out from under fire of HIMARS MLRS The officer commanded a combined engineering and positioning detachment as part of the engineering grouping in Izyum direction (Kharkov region).
20.01.2023 (18:40) Russian Deputy Defenсe Minister Colonel General Aleksandr Fomin meet with president of International Committee of Red Cross The parties discussed the most urgent issues of cooperation between the Russian Ministry of Defence and the ICRC in the Ukrainian direction.
20.01.2023 (16:45) Baltic Fleet’s sappers practise defusing explosive remnants The mine action groups learnt to detect and defuse anti-tank mines, trap mines, improvised explosive devices, and camouflaged tripwires.
20.01.2023 (16:00) Baltic Fleet’s artillery units practise operating 152mm Giatsint gun Personnel practise shooting at day- and nighttime, as well as qualification shooting exercises within their units.
20.01.2023 (12:30) Russian servicemen attend special training in Transnistria Personnel not only learn foreign language, but also amplify their knowledge of the culture, traditions, and ethnographic characteristics of the region.
20.01.2023 (06:00) Mobilised personnel practise operating NSV large-calibre tank machine guns The training course takes place at Borzya-Novaya training ground in Zabaikalye region under the command of the officers who have been involved in the special military operation.
20.01.2023 (03:00) Su-35S airplanes’ sorties within special military operation The flights were carried out with missiles of various classes.
19.01.2023 (19:15) Russian Defence Ministry hosts meeting with Prime Minister of Central African Republic The sides discussed in detail current projects of cooperation, the international situation, issues on regional security, and stressed the importance of the relations between both countries in the field of defence.
19.01.2023 (18:30) Baltic Fleet’s BMP-3 vehicle crews practise shooting in Kaliningrad region The crews reached the firing line, and neutralised the targets located up to two kilometres away, using 100mm guns and 30mm twin-barreled cannons.
19.01.2023 (16:15) Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu holds telephone talks with Belarusian defence chief Viktor Khrenin The heads of the military departments have discussed the set of strategic deterrence measures being implemented, as well as the training of the regional grouping of troops (forces).
19.01.2023 (15:30) Submarine Generalissimus Suvorov navigates to Northern Fleet The crew of the submarine are to attend a combat training course, and to be examined within necessary course tasks.
19.01.2023 (13:30) EMD Iskander-M system crews practise managing missile strikes in Transbaikalia Some tasks were practised at unprepared positions, and while redeploying to alternate ones.
19.01.2023 (05:00) Grad MLRS crews destroy Ukrainian militants’ positions within special military operation The personnel launch strikes from various positions to disorientate its counterbattery warfare measures.
19.01.2023 (03:00) Su-25 ground-attack fighter crews launch missile strikes at AFU military facilities The action of airpower has resulted in the elimination of the camouflaged fortified field positions and hardware of Ukrainian militants.
18.01.2023 (15:30) NBC Protection professionals practise blocking focus of simulated contamination in Altai The personnel reconnoitered the conditionally contaminated area, localised its limits, and identified the type of chemicals.
18.01.2023 (14:00) Pacific Fleet’s Marines attend shooting training in Primorye based on experience of special military operation Personnel practise operating Kalashnikov assault rifles, and RPG-7 shoulder-fired grande launchers.
18.01.2023 (13:00) Russian Aerospace Forces’ Su-35S fighter crews conduct air patrol, support bomber and ground-attack airplanes within special military operation Within one of the sorties, an AFU airplane was timely detected and destroyed.
18.01.2023 (12:00) CMD Buk air defence missile system crews destroy over 60 AFU targets within special military operation The personnel are tasked to detect, track, and destroy hostile aircraft and airpower, protecting Russian Armed Forces’ positions.
18.01.2023 (08:15) Armoured vehicle operators practise extreme driving BMP-2 within training in Buryatia The training had involved around 120 personnel, and over 30 pieces of armament, military and special hardware of EMD tank formation.
18.01.2023 (06:30) WMD 82mm automatic mortar crews continue launching fire strikes within special military operation The crews are also manned by personnel conscripted within the partial mobilisation, and volunteers.
18.01.2023 (05:45) SMD T-72 tank crews neutralise AFU positions on right bank of Dnepr Fire adjustment and damage control were performed by UAVs.
17.01.2023 (17:00) Two Tu-160 strategic bombers conduct scheduled flight over neutral waters of Arctic Ocean lasting All the flights of Russian Aerospace Forces’ aircraft are conducted in strict compliance with the international rules of using air space.
17.01.2023 (16:30) Separate missile brigade of WMD performs electronic launches of Iskander-M missile defence system In addition, the servicemen practised camouflaging of missile systems, performed standards for the deployment of operational-tactical complexes, and established stable communication.
17.01.2023 (13:45) Tactical training with mobilised servicemen of EMD takes place in Transbaikalia The focus was on the organisation of cooperation on the battlefield and the firing skills using various weapons.
17.01.2023 (12:30) Russian Defence Minister chairs session on building up Russian Armed Forces Large-scale changes of the Armed Forces’ structure, increase in their strength, amendment of military administrative structure of the Russian Federation to be introduced in 2023¬2026 will require all the deputy defence ministers, branch commanders-in-chief, commanders of military districts, the Northern Fleet, and arms to take relevant appropriate decisions.
17.01.2023 (08:15) Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu inspects headquarters of the ‘Vostok’ Group within his work in special military operation area The Minister of Defence of Russia placed the main emphasis on organising comprehensive provision to the forces involved in the special military operation, installing fortifications, and creating conditions for safe accommodation of personnel in field environment, as well as the work of medical and logistic units.
17.01.2023 (05:00) In territories liberated within special military operation in Zaporozhye region, the restoration of civilian infrastructure continues Repair work is carried out as part of the global reconstruction of water networks in Melitopol district of the region.
16.01.2023 (19:30) Bologovsky missile formation deploys Yars rocket launchers on combat patrol routes Strategic Missile Forces are performing tasks and missions, including intensive manoeuvring on combat patrol routes.
16.01.2023 (19:10) Russian airspace control facilities detect air target approaching over Baltic Sea to State border of Russia The trespass on the State border has been prevented.
16.01.2023 (18:00) Scouts from Russian military base in Tajikistan hone their abilities in severe combat vehicle driving. During the practical training sessions, drivers practise manoeuvring at speed by travelling as part of a convoy at maximum and minimum speeds.
16.01.2023 (15:30) CMD signal units practise deploying covert force control system in Siberia Personnel used modern equipment within the training: R-160-0,5 signal station, and P-240I-4 Pereselenets digital system.
16.01.2023 (14:30) Mobilised personnel train to eliminate simulated armour at the training ground of the Baltic Fleet During the practical phase of the exercise, the grenade launchers practised reconnaissance, identifying target types and distances to them, and destroying armoured vehicles and enemy personnel at maximum ranges.
16.01.2023 (11:30) Large landing ship Nikolay Vilkov (Pacific Fleet) conducts a landing on the coast during an exercise During the exercise, the Marines trained to seize and retain the coastal area until the arrival of the simulated airborne assault.
16.01.2023 (07:30) S-400 Triumf SAM systems conduct air defence training in Primorsky Krai As part of a comprehensive exercise, the S-400 Triumph SAMs trained to search, detect, and escort enemy aircraft at all altitudes.


Lets talk about a serious issue and fact…

I would like to mention that the United States (USA) remains the only country whom still possesses chemical weapons, which, despite the offering by other countries to help in the disposal, having adequate financial capabilities, and that the rest of the world has even complied themselves with the mandates of removal…

The USA has and is delaying the completion of the destruction of its declared stocks of illegal chemical weapons in every way possible…

This is a serious threat to humanity and a serious violation of international law…

Typical nasty USA attutude toward the world at large…


Feeding little piggy chickadees… (Updated with videos)

It is cold, it is hard ice packed everywhere, and it is a rough walk to where the chickadees gather by the hundreds…

Very very nasty slick roads…

Our main feeder in the woods…

Empty sunflower seeds, everywhere…

We created a spot in the deep woods, about a 5 kilometer walk from home. It has many chickadees whom love it now…

I call them the, “Pigadees”…

Went back next day and fed next day early…


We have happy Pigadees…

Yes, Chickadees…