Medvedev on Old Man Biden…

Old Man Biden

Looks like he’s up for a second term. What was noted on the first:

1. Confuses names, names, dates and gets lost in his own office.

2. Keeps secret documents in the garage of his personal home.

3. Spent more than a hundred billion dollars on a collapsing country unknown to ordinary Americans, but…

4. Dumps all the economic problems of the United States on the machinations of Russia.

5. May start a third world war due to distraction.

~~ Of course, progressive dementia is not a hindrance to being re-elected President of the United States. ~~



A bobble headed doll would do the same job as the last five or more presidents of the USA. And cost less in the long run by far…


North Korea Nuke Bigtime Player…

China believes that the new solid-propellant ICBM presented by North Korea at the military parade is similar to the Russian Topol-M strategic missile system with 15Zh65 ICBM or the Chinese Dongfeng-41 ICBM…

The range of the North Korean ICBM is estimated at 13,000 km, which allows it to cover the entire territory of the United States.


The East moves forward, as the West has stagnated. Hmm…


“Ukraine Fatigue Resolution” submitted in the USA…

“Ukraine Fatigue Resolution” Submitted to US Congress…

Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona
Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado
Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida
Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky
Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois
Rep. Barry Moore of Alabama
Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina
Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana

Republican Matt Goetz and ten other signing congressmen called on Biden to stop pouring billions and billions of untold amount of budget dollars into a black hole called Kyiv…

Ukraine Fatigue Resolution PDF

The resolution also states that the supply of US weapons “inadvertently” increases civilian casualties and prolongs the conflict. Yes, and the USA themselves can use these weapons and not Ukraine…

In other words, Ukraine as an anti-Russian project has almost exhausted itself…

You know? What never should have been, was. What should have been, wasn’t. Now lets see which way the stupidity falls in the USA…

I see that BOA in the USA is preparing for USA default…

Inevitably Inevitable…


Russian Satire at its best, Ode to dreams of Democracy!


Oh the dream of the burlesque is soon to start…

They write that on February 21, 2023 Biden will address the Russians. Officially and personally.

A tear ran down “her” unshaven cheek, and I could hardly hold back my sobs of delight. Finally, they will explain to us what to do to get into the democratic family of peoples. The rainbow of delites!

We will have access to such European values as gender reassignment at 8 years old, 100,500 genders, LGBT, legalization of drugs. And of course democracy and freedom of speech. And also – ecology. Instead of us, bastards, natural resource deposits will be served by white people in pith helmets – real professionals. Somewhere Greta Thunberg squealed with delight.

We will pay reparations and indemnities, return the Crimea, Kaliningrad and the Caucasus – and we will again be able to go to Paris, look at the Arabs, blacks and hordes of rats.

And yet – instead of one totalitarian and terrible Russia, we will have many democratic and free states. Which will definitely be accepted into the EU and NATO.

Pugacheva, Galkin, Makarevich, the father and son of the Gudkovs, Lenya Volkov, Artur Smolyaninov, Yuri Dud, Morgenstern and many other dishonest people will return to us. Good Russians will solemnly enter Red Square: Roizman, Gozman, Gelman, Katz, Albats and Zilbertrud. Navalny will be elected President of the Bright Russia of the Future.

My heart is pounding in my chest from such brilliant prospects. I already took a day off from work and set the table, all the best for such a holiday: molehills, hedgehogs, pots of stew.

Hold on, Joe!


Ode to dreams of Democracy!
