MoD Top News for February 11th, 2023…

​​🗓 Top News Today

❗ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have launched a massive attack against the crucial power facilities that operated Ukraine’s defence industrial complex and transport system.

💥 In Kupyansk direction, the attacks, launched by Ground-Attack and Army aviation, as well as the artillery of the ‘Zapad’ Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU manpower and hardware in LPR and Kharkov region.

💥 In Krasny Liman direction, the attacks, launched by Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, the artillery and heavy flamethrower systems of the ‘Tsentr’ Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU units in LPR and DPR.

💥 In South Donetsk direction, Operational-Tactical Aviation and the artillery of the ‘Vostok’ Group of Forces have been launching fire strikes against the AFU units in DPR.

📹 Russian Defence Ministry has published footage of D-20 howitzers, Airborne Troops’ artillery and assault units, and repair units in combat action within the special military operation.

#MoD #TopNews #Russia #Ukraine


Medvedev on the EU Circus and its star performer, “A bearded fashion model in a green smelly T-shirt”…

About the circus of freaks and the new kidnapping of Europe.

A bearded fashion model in a green smelly T-shirt rode a circus tent across Europe. Live broadcasts, front pages of newspapers, photos with “European bosses”.

Well, in parallel – hundreds of daily dying mobilized Ukrainians, forcibly driven to protect the interests of the ruling Nazi clique.

I have already written that the current European “leaders”, entirely miserable amateurs, terry Russophobes and intellectual pygmies, will never stand even next to their predecessors. Those who, after the most destructive war of the 20th century, were building a new, independent and prosperous Europe. This was especially noticeable in the course of the last “combat” of Ukrainian extortionists. The apogee of the “circus of freaks” was an audience with a green greasy T-shirt from the British monarch.

But all more or less adequate people, especially the older generation, living on the ruins of the great Roman Empire, now see that they were sold some kind of cheap pornographic show. A vile and dirty fantasy that only brought problems to the Europeans.

The first of them is the exorbitant rise in the cost of their lives, which, probably, they will somehow be able to cope with. Eat less, wash less often, turn on the gas burners…

But what can you do for the “victory of the mythical country 404”. Fuck understand what, but in the newspapers they write that it is. The refugees are proof of that.

But the second one is much worse. national humiliation. The old “true” Europeans could probably endure from the “Big American Brother”. He also has the main money, and the main printing press (no one knows the fate of the euro), and a great weapon, and even the vaunted American democracy.

But when, albeit former, but empires are urged on by former undersized losers … Well, the former “great principalities” – Polish and Lithuanian … this is very humiliating. Especially for the direct descendants of the citizens of the Roman Empire – the Quirites. Yes, and for the descendants of warlike Franks and Gauls.

This rule of the exalted young European freaks will end very badly for the “old European civilization”. It is already dissolving under the onslaught of emigrants arriving from all over the world. And soon it will disappear completely, repeating the well-known myth about the abduction of Europa by Zeus.

Only today, the role of the bull will be played by impudent America, which is served with open mouth by lust for traitors to European interests such as Poland and the Baltic countries.



The Western Reject Collective of Countries… (WRCC)

A world of hurt is starting to come tumbling down upon the “Collective West” that calls themselves, “The World” and I see that a better name is, “Western Reject Collective of Countries”…

WRCC (Western Reject Collective of Countries) is actually the “poster children” for how not to run a country in the modern age…


EU fails to find frozen Russian assets

According to Bloomberg, the legal service of the European Union admitted that out of $258 billion of frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia, they discovered only $36.4 billion…

BRUSSELS, February 9. /TASS/. The EU legal service has effectively confirmed that it has no clue about the whereabouts of 86% of frozen Russian central bank’s assets, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

Remember what the West did?

The theft of Russian assets of 300 billion dollars…

That is correct and after spending tons of money and digging everywhere and in every corner, the location of 86% of the Russian funds, money that they tried to steal outright and by illegal means to start with, is still unknown in existence…

But European lawyers are not giving up. They demand to force “all” European banks to provide “all” information about the frozen Russian funds to the, “European Commission”…

Or else!

And Russia waits patiently, for the second that the EU and the USA make one wrong move in this situation? Russia will legally confiscate twice that amount owned by the west within Russia itself…

Medvedev on the theft of Russian assets…

You have to realize that this was intentionally set up by Russia as a trap in waiting for the greedy west to leap upon. They leaped and found themselves in a legal twist that has implications to self-destruct their system even faster and that my friend is why the west has one more thing they hate Russia over…