Medvedev is right, good letter by Medvedev…

It’s been a year since the special operation has been going on. A year since our servicemen restore order, peace and justice in our land, protect our people and destroy the roots of neo-Nazism. They are heroes.

The whole country helps them, supplying the front with everything necessary.

Victory will be achieved. We all want this to happen as soon as possible. And that day will come. We will return our territories and reliably protect our people, who have suffered during the years of genocide and shelling.

What’s next?

Then there will be negotiations, which, I am sure, will become difficult and nervous. First of all, because the formal participants in the negotiations on the part of our enemy are one, and the actual leaders are completely different. And decisions for the Kiev regime will, of course, not be made by some kind of Zelensky, if he is still alive, or his clique. The decision will be made across the ocean by those in whose hands the supply of weapons to Kyiv and the allocation of money to maintain the remains of the Ukrainian economy. The motives of the main enemies of our country are obvious: to weaken Russia as much as possible, to bleed us for a long time. Therefore, they are not interested in ending the conflict. But sooner or later, according to historical laws, they will do it. And then there will be an agreement. Naturally, without fundamental agreements on real borders or on a new Helsinki Pact that ensures security in Europe. Just some kind of agreement.

Then, most likely, no less difficult time will begin. Exhausting months and years of confrontation, tantrums and rudeness on the part of those who will manage the stub that remains of Ukraine. Their fate is unenviable. They will not be able to recognize the results of the SVO without the risk of being executed on the same day. The nationalists will continue to control the powerful camarilla, because none of them have any other ideology than Bandera’s neo-Nazism. Recognition of defeat for them is like death. Therefore, the ideology of “something to win” can remain for a long time.

And at some point, the new bloody boys, backed to the wall by once again unleashed Bandera, who call themselves the legal Ukrainian authorities, will again provoke a world conflict. It doesn’t matter – on the eve of the elections or just on the next Maidan.

This cannot be allowed.

Therefore, it is so important to achieve all the goals of a special military operation. Push the borders of threats to our country as far as possible, even if these are the borders of Poland. Destroy neo-Nazism to the ground. In order not to waste time later on catching the remnants of Bandera gangs in the Little Russian forests. So that the world will find the long-awaited peace.



Very good information and thoughts by Medvedev…


Chinese Ukraine Peace Plan? Or a set of new rules that the USA needs to ponder about, as it wallers in its ‘beer n tears’…

China has published its plan to resolve the war in Ukraine and it is aimed dirctly at the USA…

It consists of 12 items:

1. Respect for the sovereignty of all countries, observance of international law and the UN Charter; √

2. Rejection of the Cold War mentality and adherence to the principle that “the security of one country should not be ensured at the expense of others”; √

3. Cessation of hostilities, avoidance of escalation; √

4. Resumption of peace talks as “the only viable solution”; √

5. Resolution of the humanitarian crisis; √

6. Protection of civilians and prisoners of war; √

7. Ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants; √

8. Countering the threat of the use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons; √

9. Promotion of grain export within the framework of the Black Sea Grain Initiative; √

10. The termination of unilateral sanctions that “do not solve current problems, but create new ones”; √

11. Supporting the stability of production chains and supply chains, refusing to use the world economy for political purposes; √

12. Contribute to post-conflict reconstruction. √

At the same time, China also excluded the achievement of peace in Ukraine through the supply of weapons to the country, as the EU and USA are doing…

Hmm, USA need to do list √ √ √ √ …


Top MoD of Russia News for February 23rd, 2023…

​​🗓 Top News Today

💥 In Krasny Liman direction, the active operations of the ‘Tsentr’ Group of Forces, as well as the attacks, launched by aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU manpower and hardware in LPR and DPR.

💥 In Donetsk direction, the offensive operations of volunteers from assault detachments, supported by the units of the Airborne Troops‘ formation from Pskov, as well as the attacks, launched by aviation and the artillery of the ‘Yug’ Group of Forces, have resulted in the elimination of AFU manpower and hardware.

💥 In South Donetsk direction, Operational-Tactical Aviation and the artillery of the ‘Vostok’ Group of Forces have launched a complex fire attack against the AFU units in DPR.

🎼 Central MD Song and Dance Ensemble has given a performance for servicemen in the field hospital.

📹 Russian Defence Ministry has published footage of Airborne Troops’ armoured groups, supported by mortar crews and assault detachments, in combat action within the special military operation.

#MoD #TopNews #Russia #Ukraine


The Kiev regime steps up preparations for an invasion of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic…

⚡️ The Kiev regime steps up preparations for an invasion of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

◽️ As previously reported, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will perform this provocation in response to an alleged attack by Russian troops from Transdniestrian territory.

◽️ The Russian Defence Ministry currently reports on significant accumulation of Ukrainian military personnel and hardware close to the Transnistria–Ukraine border, the deployment of artillery at firing positions, as well as an unprecedented build-up of UAV flights by the Ukrainian Armed Forces over Transnistrian territory.

◽️ The implementation of the plotted provocation by the Ukrainian authorities poses a direct threat to the Russian peacekeeping contingent legally stationed in Transnistria.

◽️ The Russian Armed Forces will respond adequately to Ukraine’s impending provocation.
