West is just consumed by hate…

Dragging out the war is beneficial for Russia, in order to strengthen itself from the inside, and recognize all the enemies from the outside, plus rally the people of Russia…

Russia is amazed at the hate being displayed by the Western Coalition. It is actually unbelievable at times, as the west throws its fits and tantrums…

Everyday, masks of the enemies fall to the side. What was dreamed to be instant win against Russia, has turned out to be a Western Coalition quagmire and a nightmare…

Within the West, the hate grows, for that is all the West has left. They hate, so they must continue, they suffer, so they must hate, they collapse with hate…

They are consumed by hate…

Russia grows stronger, while the Westerners hate rages and they weaken everyday…


May Good Win…

The ukraine SMO by Russia is also a method and the means to damage then destroy NATO, than it is to damage Ukrainians, whom were tossed in to self-destruction by the Western Nazi group…

This is why the west gives trillions, because in Ukraine the rules by which humanity will play by in the future, are being decided…

We either have: The USA Yankee style santions and carpet bombing of asphalt jungle ground rules, or the Russian and BRICS multipolarity and equality of all countries style…

Bottom line: Evil vs Good…


PS: Do I have to explain whom is good? It is obvious…

Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with Russia’s suspension of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START)…

⚡️ Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with Russia’s suspension of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START)


❗️ Washington’s extreme hostility , the confrontation it escalates, and its open course of malicious escalation of the conflict in and around Ukraine have created a fundamentally different security environment for us.

Today, the United States is openly seeking to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia, and the tensions fueled by Washington go far beyond the Ukrainian crisis – the United States and the West they lead are trying to harm our country at any level, in any area and in any region of the world.

There is every reason to state that US policy is aimed at undermining Russia’s national security , which directly contradicts the fundamental principles and understandings enshrined in the START preamble, on which the Treaty is based and without which it would not have been concluded.

In fact , we are talking about a radical change in circumstances compared to those that existed at the time the START was signed.
In such an environment , it is no longer possible to conduct business with the United States and the West in general as usual, both in principle and in relation to the field of arms control, which is inseparable from geopolitical and military-strategic realities.

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⚠️ Serious changes in the security landscape are also related to the fact that the consolidation of Western countries on anti-Russian soil is increasingly affecting aspects of their nuclear policy. In particular, NATO members, who have been practicing so-called “joint nuclear missions” for decades and have for some time now openly declared the North Atlantic bloc a “nuclear alliance”, are increasing the emphasis on nuclear weapons in NATO-wide conceptual guidelines, declaring their focus on further strengthening and increasing the combat readiness of “assigned » to NATO potentials in this area.

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Based on the totality of the circumstances outlined, the Russian side was forced to come to the conclusion that the United States committed a material violation of the New START Treaty , that is, a violation that is of fundamental importance for the implementation of the object and goals of the Treaty.

The decision to suspend the START may be reversible . To do this, Washington must show political will, make conscientious efforts for a general de-escalation and create conditions for the resumption of the full functioning of the Treaty and, accordingly, comprehensively ensuring its viability. We urge the American side to do just that.

☝️ Until then, any of our steps towards Washington in the context of START are absolutely excluded .

Full text of the statement