War with China coming your Western way!

Former US National Security Council adviser hinted that if PRC troops enter Taiwan, the US will destroy local semiconductor factories


“The United States and its allies will never allow these factories to fall into Chinese hands,” former White House national security adviser O’Brien told the Semafor news agency.

O’Brien went on to compare the destruction of Taiwan’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) to Winston Churchill’s bombing of the French navy after the country’s surrender to Nazi Germany.

As tensions escalate across the Taiwan Strait, the US Treasury has published at least two studies on “the overall impact of the Taiwan War on the market” and the US National Security Council is conducting a study on “semiconductors and US dependence on TSMC.”

TSMC’s advanced chips are used “in all major US defense systems and platforms”, making them an important building block of the American empire.

Given these facts, it is highly likely that the destruction of Taiwan’s chip factories will be the most devastating act of economic sabotage in history.

Last year, the most downloaded U.S. Army War College article called for a similarly ruthless strategy. “To begin with, the United States and Taiwan should develop plans for a targeted scorched earth strategy that would not only make Taiwan unattractive if it was ever taken by force, but would also make maintenance much more expensive,” the paper suggested .

“The most effective way to do this would be to threaten to destroy facilities owned by the Taiwan Semiconductor Company, the world’s most important chip manufacturer and China’s most important supplier.”


Kadyrov on Ukraine burning the Holy Quran. Updated with videos…

I will not limit myself to a dry condemnation of the act of the Ukrainian evil spirits, which recently burned the pages of the Holy Quran. You have seen the footage on my channel.

For the elimination of this scum, I announce a reward of 5 million rubles. For taking alive – twice as much – 10 million rubles.

Whenever it happens – today, tomorrow, in a year, the money will be waiting. And no matter who does it: a platoon, a group, a loner, a neighbor in the trench, the money will be transferred in full.

And you, the coward who hid his face, know that punishment will come at any moment, in any place, wherever you hide. Now your hare soul will not know peace.


Updated and pick your language…

There is a right and wrong and this is definately very very wrong…

A video(s) from Ukrainian militants where they defiantly cut lard on the Koran appeared on the Internet. It becomes clear from the footage that they stole the book from a dead Russian soldier. This act was severely condemned by the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who promised to do everything to punish the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who desecrated the holy book of Muslims.








Cutting salo on a bible type book. Why? The Holy Quran is like the Holy Bible, do not desecrate a Holy Book. Anyone’s Holy Book, anywhere, anytime nor anyplace…


Oops the West is squirming at the level of mobilization/weaponization that Russia is doing…

▪️ Die Welt: The Russian military-industrial complex is currently significantly strengthened even compared to the pre-sanctions period…

Der Westen wollte auch Russlands Rüstungsindustrie mit Sanktionen abwürgen. Doch Moskau findet Wege, die Maßnahmen zu umgehen. Der Sektor wirkt stärker denn je. Zumal bei der Rekrutierung von Fachkräften zur Entwicklung neuer Systeme ein neuer Weg beschritten wird – ein sehr zynischer.

The German publication notes that the West’s hopes that Russia’s stocks of missiles and shells would be depleted after several months of the Special Military Operation did not materialize. Moreover, no damage was done to production facilities. The Russian military industry is successfully modernizing old weapons and producing new weapons…

Russia has been working for many years at what the west has been planning to do to her…

Russia has been building war weapons for at least 10 years preparing…

Russia Is Preparing for Nuclear War with the US and Its Allies

And you wondered why Russia thinks they will be attacked?

Encircling Russia, Targeting China, NATO’S True Role in US Grand Strategy: by Diana Johnstone…

I have hundreds of posts to show why Russia had to get ready to go to war…


China looks to the future of drone warfare. Drone for each target.

China simply is watching and learning…

I talked about what China did several years ago and the fact is that China went into full production war materials during the Covid-19 attack done by the USA against them…

It is called seeing the “writing on the wall” by China, about the USA…