A list of US actions aimed at discrediting and blurring Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia…

1. Information campaign that Xi Jinping will not come.
2. (Many many verbal) Threats against China if Xi comes.
3. Requirements for China to condemn Russia.
4. Requirements for China not to supply weapons to Russia. Only the West (NATO) has the right to supply weapons to Ukraine.
5. Statements by the west that any Russian-Chinese agreements will not matter and the world will not listen.
6. Hasty organization of the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Ukraine on the day of Xi’s visit. 🙂
7. The death of Chinese workers in the Central African Republic. 🙁
8. Announcement of hasty deliveries of new weapons to Ukraine.
9. Declassified intelligence documents aimed at blaming China for the origin of the coronavirus.
10. USA began to equip a new military base in the Philippines.
11. Engaged the ICC to organize an arrest warrant for Putin.
12. Announced the delivery of shells with depleted uranium.

Plus the standard whining about the fact that “China wants to take over Siberia” (a routine topic of Western propaganda).


Speaking with forked tongues within the Western Coalition…

1. China should not supply weapons to Russia – this will be support for “unjustified aggression” and will only prolong the conflict (c) NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg…

2. NATO will supply arms and support Ukraine for as long as it takes (c) NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg…

This is what a “rule-based world order” looks like…

American rules…


Britain has officially announced that it will transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine…

Britain has officially announced that it will transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine…


Excuse me!

Depleted uranium rounds have been linked to cancer and birth defects. They were fired extensively by allied forces in Iraq. Issues gallore in Iraq. The rounds are radioactive and scientists believe their toxic effects on human health can continue to be felt long after conflicts have ended…

Excuse me, sick British rejects…