Speaking with forked tongues within the Western Coalition…

1. China should not supply weapons to Russia – this will be support for “unjustified aggression” and will only prolong the conflict (c) NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg…

2. NATO will supply arms and support Ukraine for as long as it takes (c) NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg…

This is what a “rule-based world order” looks like…

American rules…


Britain has officially announced that it will transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine…

Britain has officially announced that it will transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine…


Excuse me!

Depleted uranium rounds have been linked to cancer and birth defects. They were fired extensively by allied forces in Iraq. Issues gallore in Iraq. The rounds are radioactive and scientists believe their toxic effects on human health can continue to be felt long after conflicts have ended…

Excuse me, sick British rejects…


Big event yesterday and much bigger event than “you” will admit for right now…

Xi & Putin…

Yes, actually the future of our planet started to unfold in detail yesterday and today it will continue. The chess moves are carefully planned…

The checker players are screaming, as they throw tantrums and dump our chess board over, in an attempt to make all others play checkers, their way and only their way. Time to set the chess board back up and move forward.- kKEETON


China’s foreign ministry releases report on state of democracy in U.S. in 2022…


BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) — China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday released a report on its website titled “The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022.”

Based on facts, media comments and expert opinions, the report aims to present a real picture of American democracy over the past year.

It reveals that American democracy was in chaos at home and that a trail of havoc and disasters were left behind as the United States peddled and imposed its democracy around the globe. It is hoped that the report will help remove the facade of American democracy for more people worldwide, the report says.

Link above read more…


Maria Zakharova about Putin & Xi Jinping…

Western regimes foamed as they listened to the introductory words of the President of Russia and the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China at the talks in Moscow.

Here and envy, and anger, and banal jealousy.

They did not notice the main thing – both leaders spoke about the many years of constructive (and not destructive) development of bilateral relations. Creativity is not only in the interests of the two countries, but, of course, in the interests of the whole world.

Let me just remind you of the latest innovations in the field of Sinophobia performed by Western ideologists of their own exclusivity.

Germany forbids its companies to interact with new developments of Chinese telecom, the Netherlands imposes a ban on cooperation with Beijing on microchips.

It is clear that both decisions were made under pressure from Washington, which is most afraid of the further strengthening of China.

At the same time, North American neighbors from Canada showed miracles of electoral impotence and found in Beijing those who wanted to interfere in the elections in this country. Terrence and Phillip do not reach as quickly as their American counterparts, so they only guessed to drag out the old songs about the main interference in the elections (a trend of past electoral seasons).

And, of course, in the United States itself, the Chinese cannot forgive the fact that their decisions arouse more interest and are more popular than American programs. According to experts, the anti-Chinese initiative developed the day before could lead to a complete ban on the use of the most popular social network among young people, TikTok.

And here is a quote from today’s speech by the Russian President. With what sincere friendliness he said: “In recent years, China has made a tremendous leap forward in its development. All over the world, this causes genuine interest, and we even envy you a little.

And one more important example.

Not so long ago we experienced a pandemic. Russia and China were tested in their own way, but Moscow and Beijing supported each other during this difficult period, unlike the Western regimes, which did not know what to grab onto: either for preventing the Russian vaccine from entering the world market, or for blaming China in the alleged spread of the coronavirus.

The once beautiful western “garden” is something completely withered. Maybe there is not enough Russian fertilizer, which the West itself has blocked. But the “jungle” is full of strength, resource and raw material wealth, as well as, perhaps most importantly, creativity and responsibility.

Maria Zakharova