Declassified American intelligence documents in our premiere. Almost 80 years ago, the United States launched a covert operation against the USSR…

Declassified American intelligence documents in our premiere. Almost 80 years ago, the United States launched a covert operation against the USSR – Aerodynamics. It lasted almost three decades. The United States wanted to establish its own rules on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. The Americans supported the Ukrainian nationalists, helped them to destroy their own fellow citizens. Those who were for the Soviet Union. Western intelligence agencies trained saboteurs to work in Ukraine. They sent them weapons and ammunition.

The West still supports Ukrainian nationalists today. While he is supplying tons of weapons to Kyiv, Operation Aerodynamics is not over, experts say.

Watch the final part of the series “Operation Ukraine. Terror on demand” . It’s here in English. Previous episodes here:

▪️ “Crime without punishment”
▪️ “The Way of the Split”
▪️ “American Footprint”

Рассекреченные документы американской разведки в нашей премьере. Почти 80 лет назад США начали тайную операцию против СССР — «Аэродинамик». Она длилась почти три десятилетия. США хотели установить на территории Украинской ССР свои порядки. Американцы поддерживали украинских националистов, помогали им уничтожать собственных сограждан. Тех, кто был за Советский Союз. Для работы на Украине западные спецслужбы готовили диверсантов. Пересылали им оружие и боеприпасы.

Запад и сегодня поддерживает украинских националистов. Пока он поставляет Киеву тонны оружия, операция «Аэродинамик» не закончена, считают эксперты.

Смотрите заключительную часть сериала «Операция Украина. Террор по заказу». На английском она тут. Предыдущие серии здесь:

▪️«Преступление без наказания»
▪️«Путь раскола»
▪️«Американский след»


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I ask myself how the West condones actions like this? Then I realize that the West is no longer Christian based…

Footage from the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine: the police push and grab the priest of the Orthodox Church…

The security forces broke in with the goal of taking the temple. The archpriest persuaded them for half an hour to allow the sacrament to be completed…

Disrespect is number one priority in the West…


You can start with the legalization of torrent trackers whose owners did not support Ukraine…

The Kremlin supported Medvedev’s proposals on software piracy.

“I agree with Dmitry Anatolyevich. We are dealing with pirates – those who robbed us, those who seized our assets, stole our assets …. The phrase “pirated content” should be perceived under a different sauce “(c) Peskov

The case when the demands of various “pirate parties” in the West can be implemented in Russia without any “pirate parties”.

You can start with the legalization of torrent trackers whose owners did not support Ukraine. It is also worth supporting projects that distributed scientific articles from Western scientific journals and other specialized literature for free. Well, in general, it is necessary to revise approaches to the concept of copyright at the state level (this requires a revision of the current legislation). The State Duma and deputies here can act as instigators of structural changes. Copywriting in the Western sense must be sent to the trash.

Medvedev calls to pirate Western films and music.

First he calls our dear partners bastards, then he quotes Stalin, and now he calls for pirated films and music! What’s next? Offer to rename the police to the police?!

Seriously, moving away from Western interpretations of copyright is a break with another system of dependence on the West.


Putin said a few things…

From Putin’s statements.

1. Consumption of Ukraine per day – 5 thousand shells. US production per month is 15 thousand. Russia produces 3 times more.

2. NATO will deliver another 400 tanks to Ukraine in 2023. Russia will produce 1600 tanks.

3. In the case of the use of depleted uranium projectiles in Ukraine, Russia has hundreds of thousands of such projectiles at its disposal (a thick hint at their use).

4. Nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus will be deployed by July 1, when work on ensuring storage and basing is completed. The Iskander OTRK and VKS aircraft will act as carriers.

5. Russia agrees with the findings of the Hersh investigation, which indicates that Nord Stream was blown up by US intelligence agencies.