Russia also warned the West that if they didn’t do anything about it, Russia would…

Everyone (even if you refuse to admit it) already knows that Putin gave numerous warnings and made several pleas with the EU and US, to intervene with Ukraine to put an end to the killing of Russian nationals in the Donbass region since 2014. Over 15,000 civilians killed by Ukrainian AZOV attacks. Russia also warned the West that if they didn’t do anything about it, Russia would…


Really no choice, either the sandbox bully or civilized humans…

You chose: Thousands and thousands + years of civilization, against a bunch of upstart sick lowlife western barbarians…

BRIICSS is already on its way to the top. Brazil, Russia, India, Iran, China, South Africa and Saudi Arabia…

Led by Russia, India and China…

With Saudi Arabia stepping up and off the fence and embracing Iran…

Regional powerhouses Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore ties and reopen diplomatic missions in a surprise to the screaming whining Western Coalition…

It is looking very good for a much much better world…


Kadyrov on NATO bring it on…

So many empty discussions around the topic of the counteroffensive of the Nazi formations in Ukraine. I don’t understand why everyone is so upset?

Personally, I’m all for it if they do. For a successful counter-offensive, they need large resources, the loss of attackers is inevitable. At the same time , our positions are favorable and fortified. The battle tactics have been polished, the enemy’s techniques and maneuvers are predictable. The defensive position of our troops will allow the use of fewer resources.

On the contrary, the counteroffensive of Ukrainian Satanists and NATO mercenaries will be in our favor on all counts . Well, like a cherry on the cake – trophies, samples of foreign technology, crowds of prisoners, who, as always, turn out to be military chefs or electricians on camera.

Today in Russia there is an excellent situation. There is a consolidation of society, which we did not have before and which no other country can boast of. The position of our president is supported by a record number of citizens.

Everywhere there are pluses. So, if NATO and Ukrainian Nazis want to counterattack in any direction, I urge them to gather more samples of brand new weapons to replenish “our” collections of captured weapons.


Столько пустых обсуждений вокруг темы контрнаступления нацистских формирований Украины. Не понимаю, что все так переживают?

Лично я только за, если они такое сделают. Для удачного контрнаступления им нужны большие ресурсы, неизбежны потери нападающих. В то же время наши позиции выгодные, укрепленные. Тактика боев отшлифована, приёмы и маневры противника угадываемы. Оборонная позиция наших войск позволит использовать меньше ресурсов.

Наоборот, контрнаступление украинских сатанистов и натовских наёмников нам будет на руку по всем пунктам. Ну и как вишенка на торте – трофеи, образцы иностранной техники, толпы пленных, которые на камеру как всегда окажутся военными поварами или электриками.

Сегодня в России сложилась отличная обстановка. Есть консолидация общества, которой ранее у нас не было и которой ни одна другая страна не сможет похвастаться. Позиция нашего президента поддерживается рекордным числом граждан.

Везде одни плюсы. Так что, если натовцы и украинские нацисты захотят контратаковать в каком-либо направлении, убедительно прошу их захватить побольше образцов новенького оружия, чтобы пополнить наши коллекции трофейного вооружения.



Pascha / Paskha basket it is the Easter Basket…

A basic Pascha Basket…

Here are some explained symbolic Easter foods that traditionally make it into the Pascha basket:

Kulich freshly baked and topped with white icing and colorful sprinkles and the letters XB which stands for Christ is Risen… (Христос Bоскрес!)

Pascha a pyramid-shaped cheese dessert made with farmers cheese, eggs, butter, raisins and almonds…

Colored eggs hard boiled and dyed either blood red to represent the Resurrection and new life…

Ham or lamb meat symbolize the great joy and abundance of Easter…

Butter is typically shaped into a figure of a lamb or a three-barred (Russian) cross and reminds us of the goodness of Christ…

Horseradish grated with red beets is symbolic of the Passion of Christ; he bittersweet flavors also remind us of his resurrection…

Special Blessed candles symbolizes the light of the world and light of Jesus Christ…

Verba (Pussy Willow) branch as a symbol of new life and new beginnings…

Below is not my recipe. It is from people I know here in Russia and I have never made Paskha…

A Pascha…

Paskha — also known as Пасха, paskha, pasca and pascha — is a pyramid-shaped confection that is served for Easter in the Eastern Orthodox homes of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and also in Poland and Lithuania. Similar in taste to a cheesecake without the crust, paskha is traditionally spread on slices of kulich, a sweet Easter bread.


Farmer’s cheese – 2 pounds
Unsalted butter, room temperature – 1/2 pound
Sugar – 1 1/2 cups
Egg yolks, hard-cooked – 6
Heavy cream – 1 cup
Blanched almonds, finely ground – 1/2 cup
Vanilla – 1 1/2 teaspoons
Raisins – 1/4 cup

Lets make:

Drain farmer’s cheese overnight in a fined-meshed sieve or through several layers of cheesecloth. After the cheese has drained, press it through a medium-meshed sieve once or twice to break up the curds and make it light and fluffy. Set aside…

Add the butter and sugar to the bowl of a standing mixer and beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 4 to 5 minutes…

Beat in the egg yolks one at a time…

Reduce speed to medium low and beat in the farmer’s cheese, heavy cream, almonds and vanilla…

Line a pashka mold or a clean terracotta flowerpot with cheesecloth that has been rinsed with water and squeezed dry…

Fill the mold or pot with the cheese mixture…

Never Stop!

Place a lid or a small plate on top of the mold and set a weight on top. Place the mold in a bowl to catch any liquid and refrigerate for at least 12 hours…

Remove the paskha from the mold onto a serving plate and use the raisins to decorate the sides…

Again: Now you know a bit more about Russia…