And we support it and allowed it, while we play with our trinkets…

The worst lie is that the USA calls itself the beacon of democracy and free speech. It is outrageous and disgusting to even accept that the USA has anything to do with democracy and or free speech. The USA is a real police dictatorship and ruled by degenerates of the elite who are in power for more than 120 years and made ‘we the people’ of the USA, a nation of thugs and robber barons of the 21st century…


Medvedev and Britain lives in that Yellow Submarine…

The faith of the British degenerates in their own exclusivity is magnificent. The composition of the Russian court, which considered cases of grave crimes against our citizens, fell under the sanctions, and a little earlier, the ambassador of this country was yapping something in front of our court building. The point is not even in a specific “case”, but in their holy confidence that this is a terrible punishment and Russian officials will fight in hysterics about this.

Still, it is obvious that the conflict of an outdated form (the degenerate British monarchy) and mocking content (look at the faces of their recent prime ministers – Boriska Johnson, Tereska May and this, as you put it, Sunak, I don’t remember his name) creates very bizarre creatures.

However, do not care about their decisions. Britain was, is and will be our eternal enemy. In any case, until their impudent and disgustingly damp island goes into the abyss of the sea from the wave created by the latest Russian weapons system.

Let it be, as the Beatles sang …
