The USA cannot afford truth to be available and the Russian reporters will tell the truth and nothing but the truth…

⚡️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s comment on the non-issuance of US visas to Russian journalists to visit the UN headquarters during the Russian Federation’s chairmanship at the UN Security Council

💬 Dear friends, of course, I was aware how well our American colleagues are known for such things but I was certain that this time it would be different, considering the focus placed on their ugly behaviour. I was mistaken.

The country that calls itself the strongest, the smartest, the freest and the most just, has chickened out, did an unwise, stupid thing, that I am convinced of, by showing what its asseverations about protecting freedom of speech and access to information are really worth.

We will also have to work for you, show more energy, and put more effort into bringing the truth to the world community and the public.

Please try to keep track of what we are going to do there and spread this truth through your channels. I am convinced that it will draw much more interest all over the world than the “filtered” information that our Western colleagues bring down on the heads of their viewers, listeners, and readers.

⚡️ Most importantly, be sure that we will not forget or forgive.



The denial of admission to UN events for Russian journalists once again shows the true attitude of the American authorities towards freedom of speech and access to information…

Permanent mission of Russia to the UN in New York on non-issuance of visas to Russian journalists ( April 23, 2023 )

💬 Once again violating its obligations arising from the UN Central Organs Agreement, the United States did not issue visas to Russian journalists who were supposed to accompany Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to New York to participate in key events under the Russian Chairmanship of the Council UN security.

At the same time, all the relevant formalities and deadlines, including the availability of UN accreditation, were observed by representatives of the Russian media.

❗️ We consider this step as another US disregard for international law . The denial of admission to UN events for Russian journalists once again shows the true attitude of the American authorities towards freedom of speech and access to information.

We hope that the leadership of the UN and relevant international structures will pay due attention to this outrageous situation and take the necessary steps against the violator.


Yes the Empire us naked and alone, as a matter of fact…

It has slapped in the face those in the Western Coalition, that something is patently egregious to the world at hand. A hand that they created and now is being slapped, as you do a child…

A fact has grown even against the Western wishes, a fact that the conflict in Ukraine is a dirty and hopeless geopolitical battle, despite massive Western media manifistations to portray it as righteous commodity differently more noble than even a god himself.

As always the usual facade of chivalry and virtue to disguise naked Western Imperialism…


When one flowers wilts? More bloom…

The wealth and monetary strength of the US and the EU has been funded via way of means of debt. That is a fact. The boom and imaginary GDP profits are illusory and created in element via way of means of huge spending and printing. The specific with China and Russia is that they do it with financial savings and real surplus income, that each nation create every 12 months out of producing and generating things. With very little debt, each of these nations have strong direction to grow and bloom, whilst the empire of debt will implode…

That my friend is monetary law 101…


Medvedev on G7 blocking all exports…

The idea of the idiots from the G7 about a total ban on the export of goods to our country by default is wonderful because it also implies a counter cessation of the import of goods from our country in the most sensitive categories for the G7. In this case, the grain deal will end for them and much more will end also…

They don’t have brains at all. In the head – only made of yellow-black caca…

EU block all goods to Russia?