Recall: on May 2, 2014, in Odessa, Ukraine, USA backed national radicals burned alive 48 people, more than 240 were injured…

🕯In connection with the next anniversary of the massacre of innocent people in Odessa, human rights activists tried to convey to the Americans the truth about the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions and about who is behind it. Recall: on May 2, 2014, national radicals burned alive 48 people, more than 240 were injured.

Virginia Defenders of Freedom, Justice, and Equality, as part of the Odessa Solidarity Campaign, issued a statement about those chilling events. In particular, the activists noted that “the massacre took place several months after the violent coup d’état in Ukraine, in which the United States took an active part.”

The American authorities have not yet condemned the atrocities of the Ukrainian fascist youths. They not only turned a blind eye to this act of genocide, but also honor the neo-Nazis who raised their heads . The thugs of the Azov National Battalion (an organization recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia) are received with honors, they are presented with awards, and invited to speak at local universities.

‼️This only confirms that the democratic slogans proclaimed here are not worth a penny. The US administration has reached the point where it is ready to support misanthropes for the sake of its geopolitical ambitions.


Medvedev on Nazis in Kyiv demand to establish Order of Stepan Bandera…

Here. Lived up.

Nazis in Kyiv demand to establish Order of Stepan Bandera. What trifle. If you establish, then immediately in three degrees, so that you can wear it over your shoulder on a ribbon. And not only Stepan Bandera. It is possible to win both the Order of Yevgen Konovalets and the medal of Roman Shukhevych.

Further more.

We can recommend that the Germans create the Order of Adolf Hitler, and the Italians – the Order of Benito Mussolini. Well, you can also order Horthy, Franco, Antonescu and other European allies of Hitler to the heap.

Why be ashamed? If to glorify, then all European Nazis en masse. This is now the main European ideology.


P.S. Or maybe it’s time to establish the Order of Volodymyr Zelensky? You never know. So, just in case…


De-Dollarization – Good and now I will tell the Western corrupted IMF (International Monetary Fund) something…

So they definitely admit that the dollar is dying!

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said on Monday that a shift away from US dollar is occurring at present, but she does not see an alternative to the dollar as a world reserve currency in the foreseeable future…

Good and now I will tell the Western corrupted IMF (International Monetary Fund) something and all the USA bought and paid for ‘mental midgets’ whom that care to listen…

Cut it up like a credit card and be done with it…

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The world does not need a Reserve Currency, at all and that is one of the biggest issues, the fact that we relied upon a single currency to entrap ourselves, like slaves. – kKEETON

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So very good and it is time to embrace the death of the dollar!

Let the dollar die and everyone use their own countries currency to either deal with other countries and or try bartering also…