Medvedev again and that something big is coming!

“After today’s terrorist act, there are no options left but the physical removal of Zelensky and his clique,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram.

“We don’t need him to sign [their] unconditional surrender. Hitler, as it is known, didn’t sign his either. There will always be someone like Admiral Doenitz to sit in as president,”…


После сегодняшнего теракта не осталось никаких вариантов, кроме физического устранения зеленского и его клики.

Он не нужен даже для подписания акта безоговорочной капитуляции.
Гитлер, как известно, его тоже не подписывал. Всегда найдётся какой-нибудь сменщик типа зиц-президента
адмирала Дёница…


Like I said, “Something big is coming!” – Drone attack on Kremlin…

Yup, I can feel it and the air is humming and charged…


Like I said, “Something big is coming!” – Drone attack on Kremlin…

Ukrainian assassination attempt on Putin foiled – Kremlin

Hmm, looks like something big “is” coming…

Ukraine drones attacking Kremlin? That is what has been said on the news. Video below…

I call it news, leading up to something big…

Ground work is being laid at this moment…

Something big is coming…


The Russians have no reason to hurry. They know that time is not on the side of the West…

Q: Why should Russia hurry up its SMO?

A: Maybe because the time for the West is running out?

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” – Edgar Allan Poe

America and the lap doggie’s credit card has reached its limit and it now appears that Eastern countries will not be raising the limit anymore…

What did a house cost 15 years ago? 25 years ago? 50 years ago?


Medical care?


A Big Mac?

Yeah the Big Casino is collapsing and you and I lost big time…


Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.” – Edgar Allan Poe

People never listen and when they do they hear only what they want to hear…

Some people think that Russia is still trying to take all of Ukraine when they have already annexed the bits they want. They never said they wanted all of Ukraine…

(I have said, and Medvedev backed up my sentiments, that Russia will end up having to take all of Ukraine and the Western Jackles will fight over what is called the rump…)

They do have some more slicing of Ukraine to make it complete, and probably a 100 kilometer buffer zone for security, but apart from that they are done. (Except if the West keeps playing games…)

Russia has taken its territory back, Russia has legally added this territory to Russia through elections and Russia has done this to keep the Garden Zombies of EU Eden farther away. The great Satanic Enemy can launch terrorist attacks and then in return get turned to ashes. Who can take this seriously?

The west better take it seriously!


P.S. Except the west wants to send the hords against Russia then China…

The Hordes of Barbarians will come from the North!

Patrushev Izvestia Interview 3 May 2023 May 3, 2023 by Karl Sanchez…

Attempts to distort the history of World War II began in the West even before its last shots died down. Already in the early stages of the conflict in England, they tried to publish a collection of false documents in order to lay the main blame on the Soviet Union for unleashing the war in Europe. Modern experts in juggling facts shamelessly strive to equate the aggressive ideology of fascist Germany with the communist ideas of the USSR, but in fact they use the clichés of their predecessors.

< ***> Beginning and ending of article.

The Americans need Ukraine only as an object of merciless exploitation of existing natural resources without a traditional population. Following this neo-Nazi line, Washington has already turned it into a territory that millions of people are leaving en masse, seeking protection abroad from socio-economic problems and pro-fascist oppression. 30 years of upheavals organized in Ukraine by Washington have led to a halving of the population. And today, the White House is easily going to continue the war with Russia to the last Ukrainian. At the same time, the preservation of Ukraine as a state is not included in the plans of the United States.

In English and very good…