Patrushev Izvestia Interview 3 May 2023 May 3, 2023 by Karl Sanchez…

Attempts to distort the history of World War II began in the West even before its last shots died down. Already in the early stages of the conflict in England, they tried to publish a collection of false documents in order to lay the main blame on the Soviet Union for unleashing the war in Europe. Modern experts in juggling facts shamelessly strive to equate the aggressive ideology of fascist Germany with the communist ideas of the USSR, but in fact they use the clichés of their predecessors.

< ***> Beginning and ending of article.

The Americans need Ukraine only as an object of merciless exploitation of existing natural resources without a traditional population. Following this neo-Nazi line, Washington has already turned it into a territory that millions of people are leaving en masse, seeking protection abroad from socio-economic problems and pro-fascist oppression. 30 years of upheavals organized in Ukraine by Washington have led to a halving of the population. And today, the White House is easily going to continue the war with Russia to the last Ukrainian. At the same time, the preservation of Ukraine as a state is not included in the plans of the United States.

In English and very good…