Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the terrorist attack organized by the Ukrainian special services against the writer Z. Prilepin…

Update 07/05/2023: The suspect, identified as 29-year-old Ukrainian-born Alexander Permyakov, was apprehended shortly after the attack while trying to escape the scene on foot. Locals alerted the police to the fleeing man, who was eventually captured in a nearby village…


⚡️ On May 6, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, as a result of a car explosion on an explosive device planted along its route, a veteran of military operations in the LPR Alexander Shubin died, Russian writer, publicist and public figure E.N. Prilepin (Zakhar Prilepin) was seriously injured.

Russian law enforcement agencies are investigating all the details of what happened. However, already now, from the materials received by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Investigative Committee, which quickly worked, it is obvious that we are talking about another terrorist act organized and carried out by the Kiev regime, behind which Western curators stand.

The terrorist attack against Evgeny Prilepin is yet another manifestation of that systematic approach to eliminating ideological opponents, which, through the efforts of Washington, has been actively planted in Ukraine since 2014, becoming the basic reflex of the Kyiv regime.

< …>

Today, a real hunt has been declared for objectionable journalists, writers, and public figures. In August 2022, saboteurs of the Kiev regime in the same way – blowing up a car – dealt with the Russian journalist D.A. Dugina , in March 2023 they attempted on the life of the founder of the Tsargrad TV channel K.V. Malofeev . An improvised explosive device also became the murder weapon of M.Yu. Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky), a military commissar.

❗️ Responsibility for this and other terrorist acts lies not only with the Ukrainian authorities, but with their Western patrons, primarily the United States, through whose efforts, since the February 2014 coup d’état, the anti-Russian project implicated in neo-Nazism in Ukraine has been painstakingly nurtured.

The lack of condemnation of another terrorist attack against a Russian journalist and public figure by Washington is self-revealing for the US authorities. The silence of relevant international organizations is unacceptable.

We express our condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We wish E.N. Prilepin a speedy recovery.


New info about the military-biological activity of the USA… (May 5th, 2023) {Will be updated if needed}

⚡Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Colonel General Igor Kirillov on analysing documents related to military-biological activity of USA

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🔹 @mod_russia_en–05-05

⚡️Брифинг начальника войск радиационной, химической и биологической защиты ВС РФ генерал-лейтенанта Игоря Кириллова по анализу документов, касающихся военно-биологической деятельности США (5 мая 2023 г.)

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Сегодня хотел бы более подробно остановиться на материалах, которые подтверждают участие министерства энергетики США в проектах двойного назначения на территории Украины.<…> Одним из направлений деятельности министерства энергетики является вербовка ранее работавших на Украине специалистов, имеющих опыт и знания в области оружия массового поражения.

Основные тезисы:

• Одна из семнадцати лабораторий министерства – Тихоокеанская северо-западная национальная лаборатория, расположенная в городе Ричленд, штат Вашингтон, непосредственно работала на Украине в рамках проекта с названием «Инициатива по предотвращению распространения оружия массового поражения».

• В качестве посредника между минэнергетики и украинскими исследовательскими организациями выступал Украинский научно-технический центр. Распределение денежных средств по системе грантов возложено на УНТЦ и Международный научно-технический центр.

• При непосредственном участии минэнергетики США была организована реализация более десятка проектов двойного назначения, имеющих шифр «Пи», таких как Пи-157, -316, -490 и др.

• В рамках указанных проектов изучались генетическая изменчивость в зонах радиоактивного заражения, распространение туберкулёза и других микобактериальных инфекций, а также экономически значимых заболеваний животных – африканской и классической чумы свиней.

• Непосредственно в интересах американского военного ведомства через Украинский научно-технический центр был реализован проект Пи-444, основной целью которого являлся мониторинг птичьего гриппа среди диких птиц из Азово-Черноморского региона.

• Масштабы реализуемых Соединенными Штатами проектов двойного назначения и создаваемые ими глобальные биологические риски требуют проведения независимого международного расследования по фактам военно-биологической деятельности США.


⚡️ Briefing by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces, on the analysis of documents related to US military biological activities ( May 5, 2023)

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Today I would like to dwell in more detail on the materials that confirm the participation of the US Department of Energy in dual-use projects on the territory of Ukraine.<…> One of the activities of the Department of Energy is the recruitment of specialists who previously worked in Ukraine with experience and knowledge in the field of weapons of mass defeat.

Main theses:

• One of the Department’s seventeen laboratories, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, located in Richland, Washington, has worked directly in Ukraine as part of a project called the Prevention of the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction Initiative .

• The Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Center acted as an intermediary between the Ministry of Energy and Ukrainian research organizations. The allocation of funds through the grant system is entrusted to the STCU and the International Science and Technology Centre.

• With the direct participation of the US Department of Energy, the implementation of more than a dozen dual-use projects with the Pi code, such as Pi-157, -316, -490, etc., was organized.

• Within the framework of these projects , genetic variability in areas of radioactive contamination, the spread of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections, as well as economically significant animal diseases – African and classical swine fever, were studied.

• Project Pi-444 was implemented directly in the interests of the US military department through the Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Center, the main purpose of which was to monitor bird flu among wild birds from the Azov-Black Sea region.

• The scale of US dual-use projects and the global biological risks they pose require an independent international investigation into US military biological activities.


Kadyrov about Wagner…

I am addressing Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and creator of the Wagner PMC.

It is unpleasant for me, as for everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our country, to hear the latest statements of Yevgeny Viktorovich, and it is doubly unpleasant that the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense does not comment or does not meet with the leadership of the Wagner PMC to make any decision or clarification. After all, Prigozhin deserves respect for the invaluable contribution of the Wagnerites to the liberation of the cities of Donbass. If there is a shortage, then it is necessary to explain, show, on the basis of which the commanders will at least correct the further tactics of the Wagner units, not relying on artillery.

I recall the experience of the Chechen units in Mariupol. When it took five tanks from the Ministry of Defense to support the infantry, we were able to provide only one, the combat crew of which left the vehicle in the very first battle. Then the tankers had to be calmed down, set up for battle and put back into the combat vehicle so that they would cover at least one position of the Azov Satanists with volleys. There were also problems with other equipment. Since the beginning of the SVO, we could not replace 30 artillery guns. I personally called Moscow, talked to the commanders, commanders, superiors. A month later the problem was solved. Yes, it didn’t work on the first call. But our units did not record videos, they did not give a pleasant informational occasion to the enemy.

… By the way, filming the bodies of dead comrades for the sake of public outcry … is wrong. Let’s never do that…

In the zone of responsibility, for example, Apta Alaudinov, my dear brother, the commander of the Akhmat special forces, the deputy commander of the 2nd Army Corps of the RF Armed Forces, more than a hundred kilometers of the line of contact with the enemy. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t have problems. But not once did Apty Aronovich declare this publicly via the Internet, but only through internal communication with the leadership. I note that the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, with rare exceptions, have always met the Chechen units and helped. And misunderstandings are always present in ordinary civilian life, not to mention the war, where there is ALWAYS not enough ammunition! I really hope that Sergei Kuzhugetovich will listen to my call and an order will be given to the General Staff to go to the place and sort things out. This is the only and soldierly correct way out of the situation.

Chechen units fought side by side with the Wagnerites in the most difficult areas in Popasnaya, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk and other settlements of Donbass. Together they performed a sacred duty to the Motherland without division into nationalities or faith. The interests of the state and the security of the country must come first. And when the SVO ends, I would like all of us to be winners, every fighter, every commander, every Russian patriot. Together.

Yes, if older brother Prigozhin and “Wagner” leave, then the General Staff will lose an experienced combat unit, and his younger brother Kadyrov and “Akhmat” will come to his place in Artyomovsk. If the scenario is still like this, then our fighters are ready to advance and occupy the city. It’s a matter of hours. But I would like us to take the remaining two kilometers of the city not at the cost of the lives of soldiers, but as a result of mutual understanding, support, determination of the command and fighters to fulfill the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
