Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the terrorist attack organized by the Ukrainian special services against the writer Z. Prilepin…

Update 07/05/2023: The suspect, identified as 29-year-old Ukrainian-born Alexander Permyakov, was apprehended shortly after the attack while trying to escape the scene on foot. Locals alerted the police to the fleeing man, who was eventually captured in a nearby village…


⚡️ On May 6, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, as a result of a car explosion on an explosive device planted along its route, a veteran of military operations in the LPR Alexander Shubin died, Russian writer, publicist and public figure E.N. Prilepin (Zakhar Prilepin) was seriously injured.

Russian law enforcement agencies are investigating all the details of what happened. However, already now, from the materials received by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Investigative Committee, which quickly worked, it is obvious that we are talking about another terrorist act organized and carried out by the Kiev regime, behind which Western curators stand.

The terrorist attack against Evgeny Prilepin is yet another manifestation of that systematic approach to eliminating ideological opponents, which, through the efforts of Washington, has been actively planted in Ukraine since 2014, becoming the basic reflex of the Kyiv regime.

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Today, a real hunt has been declared for objectionable journalists, writers, and public figures. In August 2022, saboteurs of the Kiev regime in the same way – blowing up a car – dealt with the Russian journalist D.A. Dugina , in March 2023 they attempted on the life of the founder of the Tsargrad TV channel K.V. Malofeev . An improvised explosive device also became the murder weapon of M.Yu. Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky), a military commissar.

❗️ Responsibility for this and other terrorist acts lies not only with the Ukrainian authorities, but with their Western patrons, primarily the United States, through whose efforts, since the February 2014 coup d’état, the anti-Russian project implicated in neo-Nazism in Ukraine has been painstakingly nurtured.

The lack of condemnation of another terrorist attack against a Russian journalist and public figure by Washington is self-revealing for the US authorities. The silence of relevant international organizations is unacceptable.

We express our condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We wish E.N. Prilepin a speedy recovery.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.