And that is the way it always has been!

Patrushev talked about, the United States is developing and is already using chemical and biological weapons, including on the territory of Ukraine…

“Death disguised as American aid and democracy,” the Secretary of the Security Council Patrushev said…

And that is the way it always has been!


Burning the Koran is a sick thing to do and proves the west is sick…

A criminal case was initiated after the burning of the Koran in Volgograd, the Russian Investigative Committee reported.

This kinda stuff is a really bad sign of western morality and its actions. Not the first time…

Kadyrov on Ukraine burning the Holy Quran. Updated with videos…

The detainee admitted that he was following the instructions of the special services of Ukraine, he was offered 10 thousand rubles…

In addition, he filmed Russian military installations, for location…


Lavrov: Decisions of the G7 summit are aimed at double containment of Russia and China…

Decisions made at the G7 summit in Japanese Hiroshima are aimed at double containment of Russia and China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday during the XXXI Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.
“Look at the decisions that are being discussed and adopted today in Hiroshima at the G-7 summit and which are aimed at double containment of Russia and China,” the minister said.

According to him, “the task was set loudly and openly: to defeat Russia on the battlefield.” However, the diplomat believes that the West does not intend to stop there, but dreams of “eliminating the Russian Federation as a geopolitical competitor.”

At present, the Russian minister also noted, everything that is happening around Ukraine “accelerates the transition to a multipolar system.

Lavrov noted that “Washington used the Ukrainian crisis to consolidate its camp.” But this “consolidation still rather resembles the total subjugation of everyone else to one’s will” and gave birth to a fault line “between the collective West and the global majority – the countries of the global South and East.”

Putin called idiots who want to “decolonize” Russia…

But, the minister stressed, among the leaders of the countries of the global South there are many who are ready to defend their interests there too, “perhaps without making too loud statements, but in practice they are ready to resist the dictates of the West, which is becoming more and more intrusive, more and more aggressive, including blackmail and threats.

Actually, Lavrov believes, any country that claims some kind of independent place in the world scenario will also be suppressed as a competitor.
Earlier, Beijing criticized the G7’s new efforts to interfere in China’s internal affairs.



11th International Meeting of High Representatives in charge of security issues…

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced that Chen Wenqing, Member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Commission of the CPC Central Committee, will visit Russia from May 21 to 28 to attend the 11th International Meeting of High Representatives in charge of security issues and hold 8 meeting of the Sino-Russian Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Mechanism…