Bakhmut had been supplied and built by NATO to stop Russia since 2008…

For the Ukraine, the EU, the USA, lapdogs, and NATO, it was a shattering defeat. No military power from the western industrialized world is able to match what the Russians just did in Bakhmut. The west has been planning this nasty situation since well before 2008, and it (Bakhmut’s defenses) was physically and financially constructed starting in 2008. The amount of money spent on this resentment of Russia and hunger for its riches is astounding. At Bakhmut, Ukraine, they were certain that Russia would be exhausted, stumble, and perish. The Western Coalition has found itself bleeding from severely slashed veins while Russia is watching as the west attempts to stop the persistent bleeding that they have inflicted against their own. It was a premeditated bleeding of Russia at the price of Ukraine, but everything went wrong…

Kinda a karma thing. Yet, more than anything? Russia is on the side side of good and evil just got slapped again and again. The west is pissed off and it is showing…

Anyone who asserts the opposite is a liar and has no relevant experience…


Putin quotes from, The 11th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues…

“I am confident that together we’ll achieve the formation of a more just, multipolar world, and that the ideology of exclusivity, as well as the neo-colonial system, which made it possible to exploit the resources of the whole world, will inevitably become a thing of the past,” said Putin


“We value historically strong, friendly, truly trusting ties with the states of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and we will strengthen them in every possible way,” Putin added.


“In different regions, old hotspots are expanding and new ones emerge… The people in many nations are experiencing dramatic consequences of coups, organized from the outside,” Putin said.

Western policy “of blackmail and illegal sanctions.” said Putin


Countries have no choice but to: “strengthening stability in the world, the consistent construction of a system of unified indivisible security, solving major tasks of ensuring economic, technological and social development,” Putin stressed.

I am sure more is to come from this meeting. It is going on from Tuesday to Thursday of this week…

The revolution is underway! Russia to the rescue… again!


S-350 Vityaz (SAM) is officially a full auto and very effective system and better than the USA Patriot…

S-350 Vityaz surface-to-air missile (SAM) system shot down several Ukrainian aircraft in the SMO and they were in fully automatic mode. No one had to interfere and stop the AI decisions. The system was on the money and accurate…

The S-350 Vityaz (Russian: C-350 Витязь) is called a sibling to the S-400 or the very smart baby brother…

These kind if systems are the future. Set it and let it patiently wait for the enemy to destroy them. Russia says that it is superior to the Patriot System. It actually works… 🙂

Need one of these in the Tiny Russian Village… 🙂


Don’t play with fire western children…

You have to love the Russian Bear…

More on the Depleted Uranium (supplied by the British and Poland and…the USA) mushroom cloud…

This is fun propaganda and there is truth behind it, though denile of that truth is foremost important by the west…

Children like the west need supervision, or they play stupid with Depleted Uranium…


Kadyrov on “No peace negotiations with Satanists!”

The outrageous case of the burning of the Koran in Volgograd, organized by the Ukrainian special services, caused great outrage in the Muslim community. In Grozny, about 60 thousand people came to the rally to express their indignation at this blasphemous act and to express their tough position.

The Chechens and the entire Muslim world will not silently endure the crimes against Islam, which are organized by henchmen of the satanic West and Europe. By organizing this cynical provocation in Volgograd, the Ukrainian special services and their Western patrons only strengthened our desire to smash the servants of Iblis – Satanists and shaitans. The West wanted to quarrel us inside Russia, but it turned out the other way around – we hate it even more and Western mercenaries will feel this anger.

All these actions only unite the peoples of Russia. We were and remain its faithful defenders and will defend the interests of our state in the same way as the Russian state defends our Islamic values today! We will crush this evil spirits like annoying bugs. We will become a wall, protecting our great Motherland, which honors the traditions of the peoples, protects their spiritual values.

No peace negotiations with Satanists! Until these provocateurs kneel, repent and apologize to the entire Muslim world, there will be no talk of peace negotiations! And they will have to ask, because for us the fight against Satanism will not end in Ukraine alone! They will beg for it!