Official Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge…

⚡️ On the night of July 17, the Crimean bridge was subjected to another terrorist attack using two Ukrainian surface unmanned aerial vehicles. One of the sections of the roadway was damaged.

Civilians died – Aleksey and Natalya Kulik, residents of the Novooskolsky urban district of the Belgorod region, who were following the bridge in a car. Their 14-year-old daughter Angelina was left an orphan and was hospitalized in a moderate condition.

In Kyiv, they said that the incident was the result of a joint operation of the Naval Forces and the Security Service of Ukraine. This confirms the involvement of the country’s political leadership and special services in the terrorist attack . Even more cynical and monstrous was the reaction of a number of Ukrainian parliamentarians to the tragedy of the Kulik family. They began to mock at human grief, which allows us to draw conclusions about the level of moral and mental development of Kiev politicians.

A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of the act of terrorism , within the framework of which the necessary investigative measures are being taken . We are confident that the perpetrators will be identified and will not escape justice . If the Western origin of the surface unmanned vehicles that attacked the bridge, as well as the role of Western countries in planning, sponsoring and carrying out this operation, is revealed, then this will confirm their complicity in the terrorist activities of the Kiev regime.

❗️ The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the terrorist attack against the Crimean Bridge, which is a purely civilian facility. We hope that the international community and specialized multilateral structures will show integrity and give a proper assessment of the next crime of the Ukrainian authorities .

Damage to the roadbed of the Crimean bridge resulting from the terrorist attack will be repaired as soon as possible. All attempts to disrupt transport links with the peninsula and tear off Crimea from the rest of Russia are obviously impossible.


Putin to address Crimean issue at July 17th, 2023 at 19:00 Moscow time. Added Medvedev’s statement a few minutes ago…

????? We wait to hear what Putin says…

Patience is running out and the realization that the west is needed to be put down like an rabid dog, has become fore front in Russian minds. From the village people to the big cities…

It actually is the Russian Government that shows so much patience…


Video of aftermath…

Update: Medvedev has made a statement…

World and our own experience shows that it is impossible to fight terrorists with international sanctions, intimidation or exhortations.

They only understand the language of power.

Only personal and completely inhumane methods.

Therefore, it is necessary to blow up their own houses and the houses of their relatives. Look for and eliminate their accomplices, abandoning the insipid idea of ​​a trial against them. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, in whatever cracks these insects hide.

It’s difficult, but possible.

Well that ended the famous western stealing grain deal…

❗️Agreements on the Black Sea Grain deal have been terminated — Kremlin Spokesman Peskov.

Western grain gonna be in trouble, as Kiev regime used the grain corridor to launch a boat drone or ??? (Hearing too many variations.) New attack on the Crimean Bridge…

Crimea Bridge: So again the “Armchair Generals” from all over are spouting. Well you know? “Armchair General Stuff!”

Peskov added that if Russia is given safety guarantees, the corridor can be reopened. And he means by the ones supplying weapons to Ukraine…

But we all know that the west is not trust worthy and look how the Minsk Treaty was treated by the west…

Thus, Russia will ship grain to Africa and the Middle East, even for free many times…

Now let us see what resonse Russia does to Ukraine infrastructure…



❗️What we know so far about the Crimean Bridge emergency

▪️The bridge and the ferry crossing have been closed following the emergency;

▪️Chairman of the Parliament of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov called the emergency an “attack” by the “Kiev terrorist regime”;

▪️The emergency was the result of a special operation plotted by the Ukrainian security service and the Ukrainian Navy with the assistance of surface drones, Ukraine’s media reported;

▪️A car carrying three people was damaged during the emergency, killing both parents of a little girl;

▪️A preliminary diagnosis says the girl suffered a closed craniocerebral injury, she was put in intensive care and is in moderately severe condition.

▪️The girl will be transferred to Russia’s Belgorod region as soon as the doctors allow it;

▪️Authorities urge locals and tourists to stay home or remain in their hotels;

▪️Temporary accommodation centers for people stuck in traffic will be opened in Crimea as soon as possible;

▪️All the essential emergency services are working at the site.

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Crimea Bridge: So again the “Armchair Generals” from all over are spouting. Well you know? “Armchair General Stuff!”

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Crimean Bridge was closed due to an emergency but drivers can use an alternative land route, the Russian Ministry of Transport informs.

My suggestion is the 3 W’s to wait, watch and be windless. Stop our verbal commands of killing everyone and everything…

“Armchair Generals” really suck and 99% of the time are wrong and wrong again…

I will watch and we will know something when it is official…