⚡* Attention USA Bio labs, weapons, espionage, programs, bio-sites and other serious infractions around the world. *⚡

All posts and all links!

⚡* The Pentagon is engaged in biological espionage in Iraq and Afghanistan. *⚡

⚡* Effectiveness of U.S. biological programme in Nigeria raises serious concerns. *⚡

⚡* We complete the list of those involved in the Ukrainian military biological dossier with attendees of the training, which took place in Lviv. *⚡

⚡* SBU and Ukraine’s National Police prepare provocation with biological weapons to accuse Russia. *⚡

⚡* U.S. plans to resume activities of biosites in Ukraine. *⚡

⚡* U.S. continue biological weapons programme. *⚡

⚡* U.S. CIA is involved in U.S. military biological programmes, including through RAND non-profit organisation. *⚡


⚡* U.S. CIA is involved in U.S. military biological programmes, including through RAND non-profit organisation. *⚡

⚡U.S. CIA is involved in U.S. military biological programmes, including through RAND non-profit organisation

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘And now the attention must be drawn to the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in U.S. military biological programmes. Following the established pattern, the work was done through contractors: Johns Hopkins University and RAND nonprofit organisation, which had previously been involved in dual-use projects.

It should be recalled that on 18 October 2019, two months before the first official reports about a new coronavirus infection, Johns Hopkins University held an exercise called Event 201 in New York City. The event practised actions in an epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus, which, according to the scenario, was transferred from bats to humans via an intermediate host.

It has already been noted that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic according to this scenario, as well as the high readiness of U.S. pharmaceutical companies to produce ‘anti-COVID’ drugs raise concerns about the deliberate nature of the incident and the United States’ participation in it.

The involvement of RAND, a nonprofit organisation that specialises in political issues, in the CIA biological projects also raises concerns. This organisation used artificial intelligence capabilities to plan large-scale biological attacks.

For example, the RAND Report that is in our possession indicates that the use of such approaches ‘…could assist in planning and implementing a biological attack…’. It is noted that the intelligent system is capable of picking the most appropriate type of biological formulation storage, selecting methods of masking, delivering, and applying pathogenic materials.

It is obvious that such research is inconsistent with Washington’s commitment to nonproliferation of biological weapons.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


⚡* U.S. continue biological weapons programme. *⚡

⚡ U.S. continue biological weapons programme

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘The documents available attest to an ongoing programme in the United States focused on the production of biological weapons.

At the same time, the U.S. administration seeks to expand the programme’s scale. On 23 March 2023, a new U.S. Biomanufacturing Strategy developed by the U.S. Department of Defense was approved. The document sets long-term goals for the development of biotechnology and the search for its military applications.

The stated goal is to ‘…secure technological sovereignty in bioproduction and outpace strategic rivals…’.

In October 2023, the U.S. Department of Defense announced the launch of a programme to train professionals to implement the Biomanufacturing Strategy (the BioFab Program). Former military personnel with a background in biomedical warfare will be prioritised as candidates.

The project is supervised by the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, and the technological base for the training will be provided by nine major manufacturing companies that specialise in genomic research, bioinformatics, cell and tissue culture work.

The training programme consists of a two-month pre-course and an industrial internship that ‘…immerses participants in real-world biofabrication experiences…’. As noted in the official press release dated 11 October 2023 ‘…U.S. Department of Defense activities will focus on revitalising U.S.’s domestic manufacturing capabilities…that enhance America’s strategic competitiveness while enabling the military of tomorrow…’.

These statements, when coupled with the use of a cutting-edge technological base and the involvement of specialists with dual-use research experience, may indicate the U.S. attempts to recreate technologies for large-scale production of biological formulations as part of an offensive biological programme.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


⚡* U.S. plans to resume activities of biosites in Ukraine. *⚡

⚡ U.S. plans to resume activities of biosites in Ukraine

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘We have already noted that in order to reduce the political damage from Russia’s revelations, Washington was forced to limit its biological-military presence in Ukraine. Some unfinished projects were relocated to Eastern Europe, Africa, and South-East Asia.

At the same time, the United States maintains a keen interest in conducting research in Ukraine. The fact of the implementation of U.S. ‘scientific programmes’ in Ukraine was confirmed in January 2023 by John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council.

Moreover, the U.S. administration retains control over some Ukrainian biosites, expecting to resume their activities once the conflict is over. In December 2022, in a letter to Ukrainian contractors, the U.S.-based CH2M Hill confirmed its intention to continue collecting dangerous pathogens in the western regions of the country while reducing the number of laboratories storing such specimens. Other tasks include control of sanitary and epidemiological situation and implementation of hardware and software complexes for biorisk management. What is more, Ukrainian organisations are required to submit reports on their work in these areas.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


⚡* SBU and Ukraine’s National Police prepare provocation with biological weapons to accuse Russia. *⚡

⚡ SBU and Ukraine’s National Police prepare provocation with biological weapons to accuse Russia

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘In 2023, the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), which is the main intermediary that distributes the Pentagon grants, resumes operations in Kiev. With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development and mediation by the STCU, a biological threat response training was conducted at Danila Halytsky Lviv National Medical University from August to September 2023.

According to the Russian Defence Ministry, the training was attended by representatives of Ukrainian state authorities, including the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the National Police, as well as employees of Western non-profit organisations.

It is worth noting that the avian influenza virus is currently considered the most extensively studied microorganism in high-isolation laboratories. It remains the subject of intense media attention, has the potential for interspecies transfer, and is highly lethal to humans. It is no coincidence that the use of this particular pathogenic biological agent was incorporated into the training scenario.

The intention of the exercise is as follows: There have been reports of infectious disease cases occurring in the Nikolayev region, Ukraine. The samples are collected and analysed. It concludes that the incident is ‘highly likely’ a result of a biosabotage by the Russian Federation. The information about the outbreak is being covered by the media, primarily Western media, to draw attention to the situation, and medical workers are taking to the streets with placards to hold Russia accountable for violating its convention obligations.

An investigation is subsequently initiated using the UN Secretary-General’s mechanism to reassure the international community that the data is transparent and unbiased.

The scenario results in accusing Russia of non-compliance with the BWC requirements, discrediting it in the international arena and imposing additional sanctions on Russia.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry