And I have said for many many years now that Lindsey Graham is a sick evil bastard and needs to be permanently locked up with many of his friends running around Washington DC…

Lindsey Graham said about Iran Revolutionary Guard headquarters, “Blow it off the Map.”

In a Fox News interview he said…

“I have been saying for six months now: Hit Iran,” Graham said. “They have oil fields out in the open, they have the Revolutionary Guard headquarters you can see from space. Blow it off the map.”

“Lordy Be” our politicians are a bunch of warmongering evil sicko psychos…


Germany Crying: Hmm, so why did they destroy cheap Russian Energy Delivery Sources and means to pay for Russian Energy?

“The era of cheap energy is over, at least as long as we continue to consume large quantities of conventionally generated energy,” said Klaus Müller, in Wednesday’s Rheinische Post…

Consumers will have to dig deeper into their pockets for electricity and heating – permanently, according to the head of the Federal Network Agency. Klaus Müller defends the fact that the German government’s austerity measures will result in additional burdens for households.

Okay Germany and you obviously do not care about your people, for “Russian Fuel” was the reason you could compete against the world market and now you are in the gutter system where the waste flows due to you own policies and actions, no one else is responsible for what you have done to yourself…


Do you see it? The Empire of Lies & Chaos Achilles Heel…

The fact that helping the Middle East will put an end to the Illegal Israel Project is, in many ways, the quickest and smoothest way to pull the Empire of Lies and Chaos down a few notches, if not all the way into the grave, is something that Iran, North Korea, Russia and China must now recognize (and, implicitly, will progressively be exploited)…

Do you see it? The Empire of Lies & Chaos Achilles Heel…