Since the West cannot walk away from what they created to try to kill Russia. Since it is in the middle of europe, which is by the way, Ukraine. Which the West has done numerous times in the past. Russia has no desire to allow NATO to live. Thus, the West bit off more than they can chew…
Thus, the SMO must continue and continue on Russia’s terms…
Or in Western minds of desperation, the West must break even and act like they won. Called a stalemate and what the West is trying desperately to do right now. Russia has no desire to stalemate, for Russia is grinding NATO into dust. Russia wants the “Nazi Scum” dead this time…
Trying to play Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Russia is the only option the West has and it is a total suicidal option at best. While Russia will have survivors, USA will be totalled and EU will be a huge parking lot. No one even has a clue at what Avanguard’s full abilities are. But, they do make everything else we have seen pale in comparison…
Unlike Russia who can destroy the West conventionally with Hypersonic weapons and weapons we have yet to see. Russia never has to fire a nuke, unless the West does first…
The Quandry the West faces is because they have no answers, no means, no ideas what to do. The West is scared, crazy and psycho. Bad combination and thus, a very patient East…
Russia has it’s hands full trying to keep the psycho from stabbing the girl to death in the shower…
That you Norman Bates? Can you help dig Norman? Oh, you already dug?