Medvedev on Ukraine NATO issue…

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg ruled out Ukraine’s entry into the Alliance during the conflict. And he stressed that the doors there for Kyiv remain open.

What does this mean in practical terms? We do not need Ukraine in NATO. In any case, as long as at least a stump of this state is preserved in its current form.

Consequently, for Nazi Ukraine, the conflict will be permanent . And the new political regime in Kyiv (if it exists at all) will definitely not be asked for in NATO.



Big Village has rabies case… TRV

Rabies quarantined in Sarayah on three streets

Rabies quarantine was introduced in Sarayakh on Sovkhoznaya, Polevaya and Kazinka streets. This was announced on June 16 by the head of the regional veterinary station Alexei Novikov.

The owners of one of the farmsteads on Sovkhoznaya Street noticed that their dog began to behave inappropriately, refused to eat. Veterinary station specialists examined the animal and placed it in isolation. The dog died two days later. The corpse of the animal was sent to the Ryazan regional veterinary laboratory, where it was diagnosed as rabies.

“Currently, quarantine has been declared on these streets until August 4th. All animals susceptible to rabies were vaccinated,” said Aleksey Alekseevich.


People (you know talk show and political type geniuses) argue over how many people died when hypersonic hits a bunker…

What is wrong with people? Even in Russia we have these rejects…

The issue is that the bunkers are designed to stop a nuke. With a hypersonic, we can’t even find whats left and these are not nuke hypersonics, yet…

Russia is killing NATO’s officers deep in the ground. Who cares how many died…

The point is nuke bunkers are not a safe haven anymore…

Gee wiz hosay… Idiots…


Western IOC and Western leaders are acting the fools after Russia starts its own Olympic style games…

Russia’s decision to hold its Olympic Games in 2024 is causing concern in the West, leading to aggression from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In response to onerous conditions and double standards, Russia decided to give the IOC an unpleasant surprise.

But then what is new. The west was acting the fool anyways over eastern Olympic teams…

~ But but but, we are the west and the best! ~