and the USA started all recent wars, even the USA pushed Japan into war in WW2. Now even the USA has its fingers in trying to start a war in Armenia and Azerbaijan… No raison d’etre for any war the USA has ever started… WtR
Leaves are falling from the trees and I am winding down at the Tiny Russian Village… Sammy the Volga drove like a dream and we had a decent trip getting home. Roads are full of watermelon trucks… Russian Watermelons! So we just stayed slow and steady and enjoyed life. It was a good trip… WtR
A few words in anticipation of 11/09 It seems that everyone is accustomed to the rudeness and disgusting narcissism of Western countries and especially the USA. To their reckless belief in their own rightness and their exclusivity. To their universal greyhound on any issue. Peaceful or military. What can I say? Nothing new. Just remember […]
The question is: If a Terrorist Nation (such as the USA actually is), crossed thousands and thousands of miles of Ocean to attack the United States via a proxy war, what would the United States do? This is exactly what the USA did to Russia in and with Ukraine… As it would be legitimate for […]
Nothing new… Humankind has perpetually existed like this, but we weren’t paying attention… Easier to cry tears in our beers… WtR
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (6 September 2023) Last night, the Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out a group strike with long-range precision weapons against a training base for sabotage groups of the AFU. The facility has been neutralised. The goal of the attack has been reached. In […]
📄 Full text 🔹 Russian Defence Ministry Briefing by Chief of NBC Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on U.S. military-biological activity 06.09.2023 The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the U.S. and its allies in Ukraine and on the territory […]
Yes Kim Jong Un it is very sad indeed… WtR
The Western Coalition is not able to accept others as partners effectively. They cannot come up with even a simple outline of stability, unless it has to do with power grabbing from others. They don’t have the proper skills to do analysis. They cannot talk diplomatically to even themselves. Each of them has no desire […]
They mean they want to install a puppet regime and dictator, within your country… WtR