Kadyrov on Putin and “more than 2.5 million signatures have already been collected in his support”…

Friends! At the Russian University of Special Forces @ruspetsnaz a collection of signatures took place in support of the nomination of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of Russia. The event was organized as part of a single day of collecting signatures, initiated by the All-Russian political party “United Russia”.

Instructors and university staff, members of the regional branch of the VOIN Military Sports Training Center, as well as volunteers undergoing training before being sent to Ukraine took part in the collection of signatures.

Each participant in the event with great pleasure signed up for the nomination of Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate in the 2024 elections. Let me remind you that similar actions on January 16 took place in every district of the Chechen Republic, as well as throughout the country.

According to Vladimir Putin’s election headquarters, more than 2.5 million signatures have already been collected in his support. I wish good luck to our national leader in his further work for the benefit of our great Motherland – Russia!



The Western Neocon gang’s only chance, in their opinion, was to storm the gas station dubbed Russia and then woke the sleeping bear.

They then used the conjured up fantastic bandwagon of sanctions. Absolutely believing that their actions would cause Russia to implode. Similar to “quickly” as in within two weeks of their attack. They are currently on the “#Whatsoever” sanction plan since they were unprepared for the penalties to backfire one after another or nor to fight in a protracted war of any kind. In fact, they could not have imagined that Russia would prosper and they would decline…

Since then, the United States and the rest of the West have been aimlessly bouncing around, stuck in a situation from which they cannot get out of, without suffering severe humiliation and public derision and now are at fear of being accused of terrible true crimes, crimes that Russia is recording daily and Russia is dotting I’s and crossing T’s…

Me thinks that the West needs to eat Humble Pie…


Covid-19 a USA Bioweapon, USA coverup, blame China and it started with Vape Deaths within the USA…

Empires suck as they die…

MoD of Russia and New report on USA illegal Biological Weapon Research. (01-15-2024)

Official Biological Weapons Research by the MoD of Russia Report… (Posted in full, for the main site is under serious attack by Western Hackers and you need to know what is happening!)…

Hmm, its sooner than that, King Coronavirus has been around awhile

2020 I call it the, Year of the re- +‎ initialization

I am so pissed off that the USA attacked China, Russia and Iran with this damn Covid-19 in 2019…

Damn USA and now it is looking like that West and or USA is trying to toss out a “Virus X” at all of us…




Time to wean the child…

Everything is a two way street and everything takes two to tangle…

Until the world unites and quit selling the “Western Coalition” natural resources, manufactured goods and loan it money – we can always count on the nincompoops from the West to cause turmoil somewhere…

So therefore, no oil, no natural gas, no steel, no uranium, no fertilizer, no anything and or nothing. No back doors to buy it from and no alternate path to get what they need…

And after looking at some items that Switzerland sells, Japan calls it own and things that the West says is made in West and yet actually made in China?

No coffee or chocolate too…

Time to wean the child…


PS: Also get ready to listen to a screaming, crying and pouting child as mommy stops the boob sessions…

Russia “wining and dining” North Korea…

📹 #ВидеоДня

🇷🇺🇰🇵 Sergei Lavrov greeted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK Choi Song Hee at the Reception House of the Russian Foreign Ministry before the Russian-Korean negotiations.



Russia basically told the West that whatever they do with North Korea is Russian Business and nothing the West says or think matters anymore…

And as Svetochka says, “That is just right!”