Medvedev on “Why Ukraine is dangerous for its inhabitants”…

Why Ukraine is dangerous for its inhabitants

The existence of Ukraine is mortally dangerous for Ukrainians. And I don’t mean only the current state, Bandera’s political regime. I’m talking about any, absolutely any Ukraine.


The presence of an independent state on historical Russian territories will now be a constant reason for the resumption of hostilities. Late. No matter who is at the helm of the cancerous growth under the name of Ukraine, this will not add legitimacy to his rule and the legal viability of the “country” itself. And, therefore, the likelihood of a new fight will persist indefinitely. Almost always. Moreover, there is a 100% probability of a new conflict, no matter what security papers the West signs with the puppet Kyiv regime. Neither Ukraine’s association with the EU, nor even the entry of this artificial country into NATO will prevent it. This could happen in ten or fifty years.

That is why the existence of Ukraine is fatal for Ukrainians. They are practical people at the end of the day. No matter how they now wish the Russians to die. No matter how much they hate the Russian leadership. No matter how much they strive to join the mythical European Union and NATO. Choosing between eternal war and inevitable death and life, the vast majority of Ukrainians (well, perhaps with the exception of a minimal number of frostbitten nationalists) will ultimately choose life. They will understand that life in a large common state, which they do not like very much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Ukrainians realize this, the better.



The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared another report on violations of the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots in Western countries…

⚡️ ❗️ Violations of the rights of Russian citizens in Western countries remain numerous . As before, the special military operation carried out by the Russian Federation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine and protect the civilian population of Donbass (SVO) is used as a pretext to justify this unsightly attitude towards our compatriots.

👉 Violations of the rights of Russians, such as refusals to provide a wide range of services, the introduction of measures against Russian business, seizure of the property of Russian citizens, forced public repentance and condemnation of the actions of the Russian authorities, exclusion from sports competitions and cultural events, have not disappeared anywhere.

👉 The persecution of compatriots and anti-fascist activists living abroad does not subside and is only intensifying, especially for their efforts to preserve genuine historical memory.

👉 A significant number of incidents involving detentions and politically motivated persecution of Russians are recorded, including at the request of third countries, among which the United States is leading.

👉 We also continue to record incidents of obstruction by the authorities of foreign countries of the activities of Russian journalists or persons representing Russian media.

For its part, the Russian Foreign Ministry continues to take all possible diplomatic steps to protect the rights of Russian citizens who find themselves in prisons abroad. Such cases are under the control of Russian diplomatic missions and, if necessary, are brought up for discussion at the highest level.

🌐 About the situation with violations of the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots in Ukraine , the USA , Germany , Great Britain , Canada , Australia , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland , Estonia , Japan and other countries .

📖 Read in full


60 + French Militants Destroyed…

⚡️On the evening of 16 January 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a precise strike at a temporary deployment area of foreign mercenaries, most of whom were citizens of France, near Kharkov.

As a result of the strike, the building, where the mercenaries were deployed, was completely destroyed. More than 60 militants were eliminated, more than 20 were transported to medical facilities.

🔹Russian Defence Ministry

and the next day a butt hurt Macron all upset…

French president Emmanuel Macron has announced new deliveries of long-range missiles and bombs to Kiev, while insisting the West “cannot let Russia win” the conflict with Ukraine. He added that he will visit the country next month.

Wiped out all his French Officers, Ouch…


Russian Citizens in Western countries?

📂 Another report from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been published on the situation of Russian citizens and compatriots in foreign countries.

The topic of protecting their rights abroad is one of the priorities in the work of the Ministry. Statistics, unfortunately, confirm that the state of affairs in this area still shows no signs of improvement and, thanks to the efforts of the countries of the “collective West,” maintains negative development trends .

❗️ The Russophobic attitude and the West’s encouragement of the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev gave a powerful incentive to the efforts of Poland, the Baltic countries, Ukraine and other states to strengthen, under the pretext of “condemning Russian aggression,” the fight against monuments and memorials in honor of Red Army soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of Europe from Nazism . In addition, the rewriting of history and the whitewashing of collaboration continue.

👉 Such actions are given attention not only in this report, but also in the recently published regular report of the Ministry on the manifestations of the glorification of Nazism in the world.

Along with this, in a number of countries (primarily in the Baltic states, the USA, Canada and Ukraine), figures of the Russian-speaking community who want to maintain cultural, linguistic and historical ties with Russia are subject to pressure and repression from the authorities; speaking in favor of building constructive relations with our country, as well as defending the need to preserve genuine historical memory.

🇷🇺 Russia will continue to monitor the development of the situation and record data on discriminatory manifestations that have taken place in foreign countries in order to draw the attention of the leadership of these countries – both in bilateral and multilateral formats – to such offenses and demand that they fulfill their international legal obligations in relation to compatriots.