Obviously Ukraine terrible news is switched and used as propaganda against Russia…

Interesting to watch and hear news about Ukraine being switched. I mean as in literally remove the word Ukraine and put the word Russia in and Wallah Wallah Bing Bang, you got Western official news…

It is easy to know Western news coming out. Russia posts news and the West has regurgitated Russian numbers in their news and say Russia lost that many jets, men, tanks and whatsoever. Switch Baiting…

Example: Ukraine lost 500,000 men has been posted last month and immediately Western News like The Guardian posted, Russia has, will, could, loose, lost maybe? 500,000 men. Then it is Ukraine Ra Ra Ra…

The truth is it is not effecting Russia in anyway. This Switch Bait News effects the mental stability of the Western population only, for they ‘never get truth’ and thus, never see the train as it approaches the brick wall at high speed…