Kim Jong Un gifted a Russian Car…

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Gift from Russian President

Pyongyang, February 20 (KCNA) — Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), was presented with a car made in Russia for his personal use by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation.

The gift to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was conveyed to Pak Jong Chon, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, by the Russian side on February 18.

Kim Yo Jong courteously conveyed Kim Jong Un‘s thanks to Putin to the Russian side, saying that the gift serves as a clear demonstration of the special relations of friendship between the top leaders of the DPRK and Russia and as the best present. -0- (Juche113.2.20.)

I suspect he got one of these and his sister loves it…

Updated after the West gets its panties in a twist and as per a sick Western World… πŸ˜‰

SEOUL, Feb 20 (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has received a car from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as a gift “for his personal use”, official media reported on Tuesday, in what could be a violation of U.N. ban that Moscow had agreed to adopt against Pyongyang.

Oh My! and actually Russia does not care anymore about what the West thinks…


It is hard to believe that some are so evil that that evil exceeds normality of thinking. – kKEETON

Putin regrets that Russia did not start active actions in Ukraine earlier

Russia tried for a long time to resolve the conflict peacefully and relied on the honesty of its opponents, the president said. Read More –

We are human Putin and good always tries to do what is best. Evil never cares about anyone and or anything and thus, destroys itself as it destroys all…

Stay the High Road and never go the Gutter!


Transnistria is acting a tidbit stupid right now?

It’s better for the people of Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) to turn off their brains and remain silent right now, because they risk complicating the SMO. Can’t they just enjoy the show? After all, once the SMO is completed, Transnistria will be part of Russia anyway. – kKEETON…

** Transnistria may appeal to Moscow for entry into Russia as soon as February 28, according to Transnistrian opposition leader Gennady Chorba…


The Garden of the EU is actually a Zombie Garden with a Woke Narrative…

β€œIt is clear that the wind is blowing against the West, it is blowing against us. And we have to win the battle of narratives,” Borrell said

“It is clear that the winds of change are blowing against the west” – Borrell is right about that and the winds are getting stronger and stronger. Better batten down the hatches EU…

Since Borrell opened his mouth? Someone should tell Borrell that, “The Garden of the EU is actually a Zombie Garden.”…

Because the rest of his thinking is kinda askew, the reality of Western previous deeds is what matters, not just an issue of “narratives”. Narrative is when you got nothing else and of course, we all know that these constant past and present broken promises and interfering in the internal affairs of other nations was done in the name of advancing fake “democracy” and immoral “western values,” whatever those terms may actually be is basically unclear even in Western eyes and they change meaning as the need arises. You know that, “Narrative”?

Speaking of narrative: Most nations and cultures detest the awakened (Woke) movements, gay and lesbian rights, and the West’s permissive view of men marrying men and women marrying women, as well as the desire of same sex to create a family as classified as “normal” family. Many civilizations just do not subscribe to that concept or the transgenderist lunacy that is currently popular in western societies. Sickness is deep within the West and we must keep it from infecting the rest of the world…

Let us look at main culprits behind it all? Always think West and embrace UK, USA, EU and you find the hotbed of immorality and disgust. – kKEETON

Yes, “Western Values”, are currently under intense inspection?? With a big question mark at the end! That is, precisely what are these so-called “Western Values”? What is the benchmark by which these vague “values” are measured?

I think a great deal of introspection and soul-searching are necessary.That we all must decide what are the limits and draw that line. each and every country has that right to be who they are and not what Western Values want them to be…

Far too long, the cultures and vocalizations of smaller, less powerful nations have been subjugated by the Western World. We have plundered their relics and outsourced their labor, put them into our museums and stately houses, and enslaved their people in order to make money and use their cheap labor. But now, the global south is retaliating, rising to the occasion, finding its voice, and declaring that enough is enough. and it now comes to an end…

The Garden of the EU is actually a Zombie Garden and let us not point only at EU. For the head of the Hydra is the USA and another head is the UK. That is where the nest is and the EU is just a willing lackey to embrace it all…

And the real world does not like Zombies, even “Woke Zombies”…