EU, (old) Europe, NATO, USA and Hairline Cracks Appearing…


France looking at scarfing up spoils in new power as NATO fails and slides into the abyss…

Poland doing Polish normality…

Britain being the snakes they are…

USA acting like the spoiled child it is…

NATO in quicksand…

Baltic’s are all barking at their masters call and hurting Russians in many ways possible and adding to that hurt daily…

Europe as a whole is simply Zombified and all looking at each other as if they are looking to see the next meal…

Crack crack crack…


Voloda of Duma about Macron – Napoleon…

Macron – Napoleon .

What could Bonapartism lead to in France?

Macron made a number of loud statements, including the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine, which horrified the residents of his country and the leaders of a number of European states. Even Scholz, remembering Hitler, was taken aback by such crazy adventurism.

Macron forgot how several years ago, comparing modern France with the times of Napoleon, he said that Bonaparte “did not take into account losses,” but since then the country “puts human life above all else.”

During his presidency, Macron, frankly speaking, has achieved little.

Economic stagnation, protests by yellow vests and farmers, geopolitical defeats in Africa: at the request of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, French troops were withdrawn. In addition, Niger authorities announced the suspension of uranium and gold exports to France, and also demanded compensation from Paris for more than 100 years of colonial plunder of the country’s natural resources.

Because of these and many other problems, the French do not support Macron – his rating has fallen to an extremely low level.
If the elections were held today, Marine Le Pen would win them.

To maintain personal power, Macron came up with nothing better than to spark a third world war.
His initiatives are becoming dangerous for French citizens.

Before making such statements, Macron would do well to remember how it ended for Napoleon and his soldiers, more than 600 thousand of whom were left lying in the damp earth.


Medvedev on Western Politicians…

Here’s a look at what the Western political panopticon has become. A sad, sometimes funny, but ominous sight.

Serial clowns, who have never worked a day in the civil service, control the actions of the troops and control the lives of millions of unfortunate people, sending them to certain death.

The parliamentary circus of freaks from the country of defeated fascism, again sitting in the Reichstag, demands that long-range missiles be sent to its neo-Nazi descendants, at the risk of getting even more long-range missiles on their heads.

The grandfathers, weakening every day, with an uncertain gait in a state of persistent dementia, with difficulty understanding who and what they are talking about, hug with cheerful whores who are in the guise of widows of deceased Russian extremists.

Western leaders make theatrical visits to Kyiv on the start date of the Northern Military District in order to distract their own electorate from the accumulated problems and once again lick the dirty boot of the American owner in a state of acute servile exaltation.

The petty heirs of Bonaparte, trying on the golden epaulettes torn off two hundred years ago, thirst for revenge on a Napoleonic scale and carry a fierce and extremely dangerous blizzard about the landing of troops of individual NATO countries in Kiev, as well as about new weapons for striking Russia.

Examples of the cadaverous decomposition of the brains of Western politicians appear every day. And therefore, the horse is pale and the rider on it is getting closer…

Dixi et animam levavi… *


* Dixi et animam levavi” – “I have spoken and my soul relieved”.