Medvedev on Western Politicians…

Here’s a look at what the Western political panopticon has become. A sad, sometimes funny, but ominous sight.

Serial clowns, who have never worked a day in the civil service, control the actions of the troops and control the lives of millions of unfortunate people, sending them to certain death.

The parliamentary circus of freaks from the country of defeated fascism, again sitting in the Reichstag, demands that long-range missiles be sent to its neo-Nazi descendants, at the risk of getting even more long-range missiles on their heads.

The grandfathers, weakening every day, with an uncertain gait in a state of persistent dementia, with difficulty understanding who and what they are talking about, hug with cheerful whores who are in the guise of widows of deceased Russian extremists.

Western leaders make theatrical visits to Kyiv on the start date of the Northern Military District in order to distract their own electorate from the accumulated problems and once again lick the dirty boot of the American owner in a state of acute servile exaltation.

The petty heirs of Bonaparte, trying on the golden epaulettes torn off two hundred years ago, thirst for revenge on a Napoleonic scale and carry a fierce and extremely dangerous blizzard about the landing of troops of individual NATO countries in Kiev, as well as about new weapons for striking Russia.

Examples of the cadaverous decomposition of the brains of Western politicians appear every day. And therefore, the horse is pale and the rider on it is getting closer…

Dixi et animam levavi… *


* Dixi et animam levavi” – “I have spoken and my soul relieved”.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.