And yes this guy has it all pretty correct…

The war in Ukraine is based on lies—lies about how it started, how it continues, and how it will end.

We are told that Ukraine is winning, when in fact it is losing. We are told that war makes NATO stronger, when in fact it weakens it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the US Congress, when in fact the West cannot produce enough ammunition – a problem that will take years to solve. We are told that Russia is suffering heavy losses, when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers – another problem that cannot be solved with money.

We are told that peace is with us, when in fact the world majority considers US policy to be the height of stupidity. We are told that there is no possibility of peace, when in fact we have rejected many opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine continues to fight, it will improve its negotiating position, when in fact the terms will only become much worse than those that were already available and rejected.
However, lies will manage to prolong the war. Congress will allocate more funds. Ukraine is mobilizing more young men and women to put them into the meat grinder. Ultimately, a crisis will erupt in Kyiv and the Zelensky government will be overthrown.

And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lies in smoldering ruins on the funeral pyre that they themselves built, the liars will say: “Well, we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having exposed anyone who spoke the truth as puppets of the enemy, the liars will say: “We did everything we could. < …> Then, having shifted the blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, just as they moved to Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

(c) David Sachs

My My….someone is learning and listening to truth…


Kadyrov: Our battle cry is “AKHMAT – POWER!” reflects our unshakable determination and fortitude in the struggle for freedom, peace, Motherland and the Almighty! ALLAHYU AKBAR!

We, the defenders of Russia, are ready to stand with unshakable determination and courage on the front lines of defense of the Fatherland. Our confidence is backed by deep combat experience. Possessing a high level of training, we are armed with advanced technology and modern facilities. We are devoted to our national values ​​and cultural heritage, and are ready to defend them to the last. Our hatred for anti-human satanic beliefs is limitless. Our battle cry is “AKHMAT – POWER!” reflects our unshakable determination and fortitude in the struggle for freedom, peace, Motherland and the Almighty!
